[ii.] contrast

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word count: 938

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word count: 938

a/n: uh.. sorry i dipped for a while
a/n 2: redoing this in 2023 lol

"You know, for being a doctor you're pretty good at forgetting about your own health" [y/n] chuckles to herself as she slides the sugary treat and hot mug of tea on Hatori's desk. He smiles gratefully, hand quickly finding comfort around the hot blue ceramic.

"You don't have to feed me like I'm one of the children, [y/n], but I appreciate it" Hatori's eyes scan over the smiling woman's form. She seemed brighter today. Maybe it was because Shigure and Ayame has planned to come visit today? He lets his thoughts simmer as he sips away at the piping hot liquid.

[y/n] watches intently, noticing how his eyes twitch as the hot liquid meets his tongue. She wants to laugh at his attempt to cover up the shock of the warmth hitting his mouth. He grimaces lightly, looking back at the idle woman.

"Call me if you need anything, okay Hatori-kun?" The raven haired male nods with a polite smile on his face, watching as the female slowly slides his office door shut.

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

"Akito-san, it's [y/n], may I come in?" The female calls from the other side of the parchment doors, hands nervously clenching at the bottom of her skirt. Akito hums, beckoning her to come in.

Slowly but surely, she slides the door open and with every inch she does so, she can see his face clearer. He's sitting in the middle of the dark room, eyes drawn to the oakwood floor. [y/n] slides the door closed as quick as she enters, leaving a small gap to allow a sliver of light to peak into the desolate room.

"I suppose it's time I tell you about my feelings, huh?" Akito ridicules, head resting in his frail palm. Despite a small and skinny frame, Akito's arrogance and pure evilness creates an armour like cloak which amplifies his hold and stature over the family.

However, [y/n] remains silent as she slowly pads across the cool floor. Akito watches with a glare, lifting his head high as to intimidate the woman before him.

A tremble threatens to waver throughout [y/n]'s frame as she battles with her anxiety. Ironically so, her hands fiddle with the worn booklet in her grasp.

"Akito-san, how have you been feeling these past few days?" She asks, ignoring the looks and words from the unhappy male. He rolls his eyes "Fine."

A stiff nod is all she can manage as she lightly taps against the paper of the booklet "Could you please elaborate on that?" Eyes casting up to the dark haired male.

His chest puffs deeply as he inhales, spitting out his next few words.

"I am feeling very annoyed that I must cry about my feelings to a disgusting, freak-excuse of a woman who treats me with nothing but disrespect!" His tone  rises with every word, venom dripping from each and every insult he builds along the way.

"I am your God, I do not answer to you." His long, sharp nails flash under the crack of light seeping into the cold room.

[y/n] stays quiet, allowing the male to have his outburst. Her hands begin to clam up as she shakily jots down a few keywords despite her handwriting looking less than eligible.

Anxiety splashes over the woman in waves, accompanied by a rapidly thumping heart. With her attention so focused on the page in front of her and the blood rush rising to her ears, her senses become blocked rather than heightened.

With her head casted downward, she wasn't able to see the long, pale hand that weaves it's long, boney fingers into her locks and forcefully yanks on the delicate strands.

[y/n] lets out a strangled yelp which was almost swallowed by the sound of her booklet and pen clattering against the hardwood flooring as her previously occupied hands fly to grasp at Akito's intruding ones in an attempt to ward him off.

"Let go!" She gasps as her eyes burn with fresh tears. Akito relents as he finally lets go, although deciding last minute to use his foot to push the woman back with a shockingly loud kick. The sound of skin slapping against each other and the painful thud of her head against the flooring causes a painful echo to surround the two individuals.

Her hands flew towards her hair to press down on the pained area, closing her eyes as the tears well up. Instinctively, her body begins to cradle itself and [y/n] finds herself pulled into a feral position.

"Akito" Shigure's stern voice burns in her ears, not noticing the sound of the door flying open over the sound of blood rushing to her head. [y/n] slowly massages the area to try to soothe the burning of her scalp as fat crocodile tears threaten to fall in clusters down her burning cheeks.

The pain causes the young woman to feel as if she was sat in the dark for hours, though it was more close to a minute or so. She tried to focus on the sound of footsteps walking about her, but waves of pain from Akito's painful kick and attack on her hair comes back in waves.

"You're okay" A soft voice soothes as a pair of arms gently tug at [y/n]'s arms. She freezes, trying to peer out of her teary eyes but she only meets the sight of an abstract like outline. The voice though, helps her realise who it is.


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