[ i.] mother

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The Sohma estate, home to the Sohma family

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The Sohma estate, home to the Sohma family. It's inhabitants come in numbers, those who are cursed and those who are not - but not all family members are blood related.

An example of this exclusion is [y/n] Sohma, a young woman in her early-to-mid twenties who serves as a caretaker for the zodiac members. Her parents identities are an unknown to her, but she knows that they have no relation to the family she has been apart of for the majority of her life.

Perhaps a curse had been bestowed upon someone within her family many years ago which had been to curse a newborn in the future with an odd but disturbing ability. According to Akito, she had been rightfully headlined as a 'freak' baby who transformed into a brown bear when embraced by the opposite gender. She was 'lucky' to be taken in by the past God, and she was 'luckier' that Akito allowed her to stay.

And although she serves as a caretaker, she will never feel comfortable taking care of Akito Sohma.

He is a monster.

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"Tohru-kun, You have to meet [y/n]-chan one day" Shigure hums as he flicks through the discoloured newspaper. His eyes briefly scan the small, printed text as he becomes disinterested in the small-print text. Tohru looks up from her meal curiously, watching the male with uncertainty.

"[y/n]? Is she a zodiac member too?" She asks as she sets her chopsticks down. Kyo and Yuki set down their utensils too as they chime in on the conversation in front of them.

Kyo sighs as he places an elbow on the table "She's like a family therapist, she's the bear spirit" His eyes lazily flick over the brunettes wide eyes. Yuki hums too, fiddling with his hands as he thinks about his sister-like figure.

"B-but I thought the tale of the bear was fake?" She stutters as her mind wracks over the old fairy tale. Yuki shakes his head dismissively "She's not blood related but her curse inhabits the same effects as the Sohma curse"

Shigure chuckles from the end of the table "Shouldn't you be calling her mother?" He ridicules the teenagers who flush at the nickname. Kyo slams his hands on the table "Momiji and Haru call her that stupid name!"

The room erupted into chaos as Kyo and Shigure shout back and forth about the parental name you gained from the two boys back at the estate. Tohru begins to shake her hands as she tries to diffuse the situation, completely missing the silver haired boy who takes his leave.

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"Momiji-chan, you can't keep disturbing Hatori-sama" The woman scolds the small boy with a wave of a finger and although it's lighthearted, the blonde boy deflates at her words. In an attempt to avoid further scolding, he begins to jut his bottom lip out and feign sadness.

"B-but mama" He begins to cry, taking advantage of his very adorable German accent to whine at the parental figure. Hatori clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth and looks up from the documents laying on his desk "Momiji, are you still using that daft name at this age?"

Momiji shrinks back, using his small frame to curl comfortably into [y/n]'s hip and out of the view of Hatori's sharp glare.

[y/n] looks up with a raised eyebrow, hands carding through the child's luscious blonde locks "It's fine, Hari" she smiles "I don't mind"

Hatori watches the interaction with a small smile, marvelling at the way this woman could take to the children like they were her own. She's always had a soft spot for Momiji, Kyo and others rejected by their parents. They need a mother, and she'd gladly fill that void in their life.

"What's up Mo'? I know you don't come in here for nothing" She asks as her hand strokes the small teenagers back lovingly. His eyes snap open as he regains his energy, suddenly bouncing up and down.

"You have to meet Tohru-kun! S-She's like you! She makes Kyo less angry!" Momiji gloats about the mystery girl. A warm smile makes it to her face as she thinks about someone worming their way into Kyo's stone heart.

"I suppose I'll have to meet her soon then" The short answer is enough to have the mixed german jump with joy, bouncing on the heels of his feet as her runs out of the room, most likely to tell his brotherly companion.

Thuds, apologies and mildly concerning sounds fade out as Momiji runs away. The two adults can only imagine the mess following after the rambunctious young boy and the horrified sight of the live-in maid.

Finally, the room was submerged in silence once again. The pair had previously been writing down in their own personal documents. Although [y/n] isn't a doctor and doesn't have any credentials like the male sat in the room next to her, she tracks and monitors the mental health of the zodiac.

The job had been bestowed upon her by Hatori as to his knowledge, [y/n] was one of the most emotionally mature people raised within the estate and it also lessened the piles of work and stress that would've been on his back without her presence.

With that said, [y/n]  likes to jot down what emotions the Zodiacs were feeling or if they had any anxiety attacks or signs of depression. She flips the page to Momiji's file, writing down how he seemed that day. His track record was almost all smiles with minor instances of tears — mostly crocodile.

Momiji was always happy, which slightly concerned the young woman, but at times he'll come to her when he feels sad about the fact his mother left him.

Akito liked to look at the files and laugh at their feelings, never failing to look at his own. Sometimes he got angry at the things [y/n] wrote and he'd lash out, but she'll never sugarcoat the words that describe the evil Akito.

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