1 || new start, same broken heart

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FINCH FLETCHER had no interest to join in on any part of high school activities, the only reason she was on the school paper was because her aunt had insisted she needed to do something to keep her mind off of everything else. Not that it helped her really, she only really wrote small reports about new students and teachers, the cafeteria food, and pep rallies -- all the real big news note the sarcasm -- she also took all the pictures for the paper. Finch actually hated her job, she found it pointless and mind numbing, the epitome of boring, in her opinion. With her job she never met anyone interesting or exciting, just the regular sweaty teenagers that always roam the halls.

The witch was short tempered, irritable, and rude -- talking to people just wasn't her strong suit. Unlike her brother, Fawkes, who was the literal definition of people person. Finch had always been like this, very unfriendly and sarcastic, usually throwing people off their guard if they tried to speak to her -- surprised by her harsh attitude. She was only really nice to her brother and her aunt, that was it -- Finch just couldn't handle people, they were too fake for her taste. She liked real people, who were messy, chaotic, loud, and honestly themselves, but there wasn't many of those people around Mystic Falls High School.

Finch sighed as she stared up at her ceiling, her inky black hair fanned out around her, her hazel eyes dull and blank. She pulled herself up, the navy covers of her blanket falling back as she pulled her legs in a crisscross position. The witch licked her cracked lips, checking the analog clock that rested on her beside table. 6 : 57 am. Finch sighed, running her hands down her face, as she pulled her blankets off to the side as she moved off of her bed. The witch walked over to her windows opening the black curtains hanging in front of them, staring down at the front yard, watching as the sun began to rise over the other suburban homes.

Her hands fiddled with the silver cross around her neck, the cross was hand me down from her mother, she had worn it for seven years and never taken it off -- with a small price to pay, he cross always sears into her skin, leaving a cross scar in the middle of her chest that would never heal. Finch didn't actually mind the pain, she had grown acustomed to it, and she loved the necklace, it kept her close to her mother. The girl wanted to keep anything and everything that had belonged to her mother before she died, all the Fletcher's kept everything that was previously Alanah Fletcher's.


Finch turned from her window to see her twin brother leaning against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her.

She gave him a tight smile, "Hey." She sighed

"Couldn't sleep?" Fawkes asked with an arched eyebrow as he crossed over the threshold

Finch let out a hollow chuckle, leaning her back against the wall, "When do I?" She replied as she met his inquisitive green eyes

"I guess not." He agreed sitting down on her bed as he faced her, tiredly rubbing his eyes

"You didn't sleep either?"

"Nope." Fawkes said, popping the 'p'

The witch chuckled, running a hand through her inky hair, "Is Clary up yet?"

"I don't think so." He said, shaking his head

Finch fell on the bed next to him, sighing, she closed her eyes, tearing up as she did so, "This sucks." She stated simply

"I know." He replied, "Trust me, I know, Fin."

Silence fell over the room as the twins sat besides one another, a feeling of sorrow swirling in the room as melancholy swam in their eyes as they thought of their deceased mother. They still couldn't quite adjust to the new lifestyle without their mother, it was quite difficult. After this their older brother, Phoenix, had begrudgingly for college, forced to my their Aunt. They were a broken family, it was obvious to everyone, their smiles were forced, their laughs fake -- their happy appearances were just a lie.

The Fletcher's tried their best to stay together and hold one another up, to protect each other after that night. But it was difficult to hide the depression thay was inside their souls, they just were not complete without Alanah and Phoenix Fletcher.

"We'll be okay." Fawkes muttered quietly as he wrapped his arm around his sister's shoulders, "Eventually."


Fawkes pressed his cheek against the top of her head, "I love you."

Finch closed her eyes, reveling in her brother's company before she responded softly, a small smile on her pink lips, "I love you too, Fawkes."


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THE RAVEN haired witch sat besides her brother, a bowl of ridiculously sugary cereal placed in front of her, "God, how do you not have diabetes yet?" Clarissa Fletcher asked with a hand on her hips

"Magic." Finch said sarcastically a sly smirk on her face

Her aunt rolled her eyes, "Ha ha." She pointed at the bowl I n front of her, "Eat up, you're gonna be late."

Finch smiled as she shoveled food into her mouth, "Fine, fine."

Fawkes snickered quietly as he bit into his muffin, "What's the rush? You usually aren't so... I dunno, rushed, I guess?"

Clarissa smiled weakly as she chugged her cup of coffee, "I have a job interview and I want you both gone before I am."

Finch scoffed standing up and placing her bowl in the sink, "Jeez."

She turned to her twin, "You catching a ride with me, or Tyler or Matty?"

Fawkes arched an eyebrow as he messed up his dark curls, "Matt's comin' by. You alright riding by yourself? "

The witch laughed, "I think you know that I always am, brother." She picked up her black school bag, "See ya!" She called as she head for the door, "Love you guys!"

"Love you too!" Her aunt and brother called after her

abbey speaks ! !

abbey speaks ! !

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