4 || death in the form of two hungover teens

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THE ANNUAL bonfire was a big thing for High Schoolers in Mystic Falls. It was the first night of school where they got totally black out wasted. They mingled, they drank, they made out, they had cherries popped, they danced, the teenagers just partied. Usually, Finch would have never even thought about going to the bonfire -- but tonight she wanted to drink all of her pain away and party until her legs go numb. The girl really only wanted that, was that so much to ask? Also, her brother didn't want to go alone and leave her at home by herself with their Clarissa at her new job.

Finch didn't exactly have a high alcohol tolerance when it came to drinking, none of the Fletcher's did -- one of the many down falls of bearing that last name. Their family got drunk easily, after a few glasses of wine, a bottle of beer, a few shots of tequila -- all on separate occasions and the Fletcher's were done for. Finch and Fawkes especially, it was as if it only got worse with every generation. It also really messed with their memories, taking them spiraling into blackouts they will never remember.This is another down fall of the Fletcher name.

So, granted when she woke up in an unfamiliar and strange room she had a feeling that something went wrong last night.

Finch blinked in irritation, rubbing her eyes as they itched in their sockets a lamp illuminated the room, sending harsh light into her eyes. She grumbled, throwing her hand out as the light bulb exploded into pieces. The witch pushed off the blanket that covered her bare legs and tripped off of the bed, crashing into a nearby table, Finch cringed at the loud noise, groaning as she rubbed her temples. She stumbled towards the doorway, slowly descending the stairs that stood beneath it.

The girl cursed ad she felling into another table, unaware that it was there. She groaned again as she held her hip in pain, continuing on her route, "Hello?" She called out, gently rubbing her head

A loud thump startled her as she turned a little ways to the left, "That's not creepy at all." Finch muttered as she kept walking, her feet hitting the cold floor and sending shocks up her body as she moved, another thump made her flinch in surprise, "Okay, freakozoid, whoever you are, could please tell me where I am before freak out?"

The sound of someone clearing their throat prompted her to turn around, Finch stood in front of Stefan with her arms folded tightly over her chest, the fabric of the large black t-shirt scrunched breath her arms. Her eyebrow was arched in impatience as she watched him look every where but her,

"Dude," She began, "What's going on?"

Stefan cleared his throat, his green eyes settled above them o n the ceiling, "Well, you got really wasted last night," He said, "You could barely walk and quite fell into my arms. You weren't sober enough to give valid directions to your house but you did point me towards your truck. I drove you here and you threw up all over yourself then stole my shirt changed in the bathroom before passing out on my bed. I, uh, texted your aunt and your brother telling you were safe and then I slept on the couch."

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