Phone Case

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Hey y'all

I'm really sorry about not updating for a while oof

This is short, and just a filler while I work on bigger updates. I posted this chapter on my other oneshot book, Peter Parker X some kind of character played by Sabrina Carpenter as a filler for that one as well because of what happened to my phone I wasn't able to update on that book too. (Look at me being all formal what in the-)

So the chapter is inspired on the picture above, I love that case so much and ordered it to moment I saw it. 



It had been a very long week. 

Everyone had gone to a week long mission to take down a Hydra base in Houston, Texas (yeehaw bitches) and they were exhausted. Everyone slept the entire day after, and were groggy the next morning.

So Tony, being and 'Over-Dramatic Dad TM', didnt want his Spider-Baby to be bored so he had an idea. (uh oh)

The next morning when everyone was in the kitchen drowning in coffee, he made an announcement.

"Alrighty guys, I know we are all tired, but I had an idea." Everyone was confused. Since when did Tony... interact so early in the morning? "While we were on the mission, my workers finished the outside pool."

MJ, who was sitting on the couch with Peters arms wrapped around her spoke up. "Alright Stark, was are you up to?"

Tony looked mock offended. "Nothing MJ! I was just thinking, why dont we swim today?
Just, relax in the big pool and jaccuzi (how da fuc you spell dis) for the day. He looked pretty genuine, so everyone agreed to meet at the pool in 15 minutes.

In their room after changing, MJ and Peter were talking about what Tony was up to. "I mean, my dad is Tony Stark! That man could be up to ANYTHING." Peter pointed out. "Good point." (heh)

"You look beautiful." Said Peter. MJ chuckled. "Thanks Pete." She had on high-waisted black bikini bottoms, and a red top.

Peter had put some gray Hurley trunks on, but slipped a tight white shirt on until they went out to the pool. MJ secretly hated that shirt, for obvious reasons.

F.R.I.D.A.Y. alerted them that everyone was waiting for them at the pool, and they walked hand in hand to the elevator, riding to floor 85.

The doors opened to their family all wearing swim suits, buried in floaties, pool noodles, and giant inflatibles. (lol spelled that wrong)

Clint, wearing unicorn floaties, obviously cannon balled first receiving Caps 'Eyebrows of Disapointment TM' for not bothering to put on sun screen.

Sam let out a war cry, yeeting into the pool with Bucky not far behind.

After 4 hours of swimming, splashing, water fights, and much more, everyone, even Clint, was just sitting in the pool chilling. (THIS IS SUCH LAZY WRITING IM SORRY I HAVE NO INSPIRATION-)

Peter was sitting on the steps of the pool, MJ sitting on his lap, arms wrapped around his girlfriend. Wanda stood from the pool to grab any remaining pizza slice, having to check 14/20 pizza boxes to find one.

"Hey Wanda, can you hand me my phone?" "Sure." Wanda took a bite of her pizza before grabbing MJs phone off of the table and handing it to her. "Thanks." Wanda smiled in responce before getting back in the pool.

Peters eyes widened at the sight of her new case.

"Babe! Of all cases, you chose the one that makes me look stupid?" MJ chuckled at her boyfriends antics, turning her phone around to gaze at the case. (picture above)

"What? Its adorable. Maybe even cuter then you." She was obviously joking, everyone in that pool knew she loved Peter more then anything yet Peter made a mock offended face.

MJ let out a laugh. "Aye Pete, its cute!" Said Tony, laughing. "Agreed Peter, its adorable." Nat said, grinning. "Wait a sec, lemme see." Clint said, wading over. He immediatly started cackling after seeing it, tears threatening to fall. 

Peter frowned and mumbled to himself,

"That case isnt cuter then me..."


Of course it isn't 

K I'm still on vacation so byeee

I  love you all my little cubs 


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