The Unexpected Encounter

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(This takes place around after d grand magic games & the 7 dragons stuff & magic will be in italics+bold)


Natsu's POV

"Ah finally! I've missed you! I love you so much!" I chanted as I kissed the ground with a big sigh of relief.

Team Natsu sighed as they all walked behind him, used to his usual antics. They all started walking towards the guild hall when suddenly they heard someone shout.

"Someone stop that thief! He stole all of my jewels!" a shopkeeper exclaimed with urgency.

I turned around to see 2 hooded figures jump over me and started running the other way. I called Happy and we took off trying to stop them.

"Natsu, wait up!" Lucy shouted but to no avail as they were already gone. 

"That idiot! He's always rushing into trouble" Gray said with a sigh while face palming. 

I finally caught up to the 2 hooded figures as I was able to corner them into an alleyway in Magnolia. When I took a closer look, it seemed like one of them was a lot smaller than the other which confused me.

"Give those jewels back!" I shouted with a scowl painted across my face.

"Why should I? They're mine now" The hooded figure replied coldly.

"Bastard! They aren't yours, I'm gonna return it to the storekeeper!" I shouted as I moved to my fighting stance.

"Fire Dragon's Roar" I chanted as fire burst out of my mouth. The 2 hooded figures moved out of the way and assumed a battle stance as well. 

"Lets go Cookie!" He said as he brought out his whip. His whip was weird as it looked like it was water covering the thong instead of leather. Moments after, I started seeing a glow from the smaller hooded figure and light engulfing his whole body. What emerged out was a rather large canine. His fur was as dark as carbon, His barred fangs were razor sharp like saws and his eyes were as red as blood.He growled as he charged towards me, trying to gnaw at me. I smirked as I dodged all of his relentless attacks and charged fire towards my fist and threw it at him.

"Fire Dragons Iron Fist"

The canine was hit by the attack and was sent flying towards the wall, yelping in pain. The hooded figure yelled as his comrade was injured and ran towards him.


"Open ,Gate Of The Dolphin, Delphinus"  I exclaimed as my whip glowed a bright yellow light. A dolphin emerged, it's skin was as blue as the ocean and his eyes were a lighter shade of blue.

"What can I do for you today, (Y/N)?" an ethereal voice spoke out.

"Attend to Cookie please as I deal with this him" (Y/N) said as he looked back at the salmon haired wizard, with a deadly look in his eyes. Delphinus nodded and started healing Cookie with his water which had healing properties. I extended my whip and sent it flying towards the unknown wizard's arm and flung him towards me.He tried to dodge my whip but I was too quick for him to do so. The moment he was close enough, I kicked his stomach as hard as I could, sending him flying towards a wall, hearing a groan in response. 

"Natsu! are you okay?" I heard someone shout. I turned around to see 4 more people standing at the entrance of the alleyway. They ran towards the salmon haired wizard, helping him up to his feet.

"Who are you?And what do you want?" A red headed girl asked me with great intensity. I ignored her question and assumed my battle stance again. The rest seemed to notice that and all of them got ready as well. Beads of perspiration dropped from my forehead as I was getting ready for a tough battle. I reached for my necklace around my neck and it started to glow.

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