Beautiful Rain (One Shot)

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She hates the rain. She hates it more than anything else. What’s good about it? That is what she has always thought of. The only good things that the rain can bring are the suspension of classes and the cuddle weather. Ha! A pillow is the only thing I could cuddle, she sarcastically chuckled in her mind. Other than the two reasons, she cannot think of anything to make her look forward to a downpour.

Rain? It causes a lot of trouble. Clothes and shoes get wet and ruined. Use an umbrella and only the top of your head gets covered. Drying the laundry is a challenge—a real challenge. Roads get slippery, which can cause accidents and may lead to injuries and deaths. Well, that is morbid. She shook the gruesome thought off of her head and closed the book she was reading. It was already twenty-eight minutes past five when she finished citing references for a report. She started packing her things and went outside the library.

Upon reaching the porch of the school building, she noticed how dark the sky was. She just remembered the news on the television about a storm approaching their region. Small drops of water began to pour from the sky, making her step back. Then, the drizzle became a downpour. “Shoot. I forgot to bring my umbrella,” she whispered to herself. She contemplated if she should just run as fast as she can or just wait for the rain to stop. The sudden shower is surely not going to stop at any moment but she will miss the last train trip home if she does not move now.

She gulped once, her leather bag atop her head and she was ready to run, until something blocked her view. “You’re going to catch a cold. Here,” said the voice beside her. She looked down and saw a hand holding the already open umbrella. When she turned to face her left side, the owner of the umbrella put on his hood. She was awe-stricken at the sight of the guy beside her. He was not completely facing her but she can see how doe-eyed he is. His blond locks are still showing even after being covered by the hood of his mustard jacket and some of his bangs are touching the lashes of his bright blue eyes. He had thin lips that balanced out the size of his eyes, a pointed nose with such great angle, and a set of prominent cheekbones and sharp jaw line. He knew this guy long before but she never got the chance to look at him this close. Only at that moment was she able to do it, and it felt surreal somehow.

A smile from him snapped her out from marvelling at his gorgeous features. “See you tomorrow,” said the guy and he started running home amidst the continuous rainfall. She eyed him once more and followed him only with her vision until his back can be seen no more. It took a few seconds before she came back to her senses and gripped tightly on the handle of the umbrella. Tomorrow, she wore a shy smile and her cheeks felt hot, realizing that she was going to see him again. After all, he is the guy who is just sitting two seats from her, beside the large glass window of their classroom.

The next day, while the bell was ringing for lunch time, she saw a pair of red Converse Classic Chucks approaching her seat. She slowly looked up and saw the guy who lent her his umbrella yesterday. “Rain...” She was quite surprised for this is the first time that Rain has ever approached her inside their classroom. Oftentimes, she would just glance at him as he interacts with their classmates. He was the popular guy in their school that can make friends with any person within seconds while she was the awkward kind of person that would rather spend time with her fictional husbands in anime than humiliate herself in front of other people. That is why she was reluctant to talk to or even approach Rain.

“Hey, Faith! Seems like you got home safely yesterday. Did my umbrella do a good job?” Rain was all smiles as he asked her with enthusiasm. The lad sat comfortably on the empty desk beside her. She struggled in finding words to answer his question. “Y-yes, I think it did.” In her mind, she was face palming herself for stuttering. Then, she remembered that she still has the umbrella. “Thank you... for this,” she said as she handed back the item with her eyes set everywhere except on his. “I was actually going to ask for this. Thanks,” Rain said. She looked on her side and saw him smile again. That smile. That smile could beat the sun for being so bright.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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