chapter two has arrived ladies and homos

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A/N: So yeah, this fic was nothing but a result of sleep deprivation, boredom and too much intake of candy and the uploading it to the internet part was one of the dumbest things I've ever done but surprisingly, it's my most read story which is just really weird, to be honest.

But I decided what the heck, I'll upload the second chapter which I wrote ages ago but revised. So here you go!!!!!!


Draco smacked Blaise’s head and he ended up spitting out his muffin. Pansy shrieked from across the table and ducked as the muffin flew past her.

“Merlin’s fucking beard, Draco, I will cut you!” Blaise yelled.

“You can’t cut someone who you said you’d go homo for too, mate. You just can’t.” Draco smiled innocently and Blaise smirked at him. Pansy just stared, her confusion evident in her face.

“If you weren’t crying over Granger, I’d think you two were in a relationship.” Pansy said as Draco slid into the seat next to Blaise.

Blaise sighed and place down the muffin he was holding. The putting down of the muffin totally meant it was a serous topic. He looked her straight in the eye. “We are, Pansy, we are.”

“Yes, the relationship called brotherhood.” Draco nodded slowly, as if explaining why the sky was blue, the meaning of life and how Michael Jackson transformed into an extremely white man. 

“I doubt if you’ve heard of it. It’s quite exclusive.”

Pansy merely rolled her eyes.

Something caught Draco’s eye behind Pansy and she turned around to see the Golden Trio taking their seats on the Gryffindor table. Draco almost spat out his juice and began waving his hands like a maniac. Granger grinned and waved back and Weasley and Potter glared at him as though the devil has visited Hogwarts in the form of Draco Malfoy.

“Draco, when are you planning on telling her?” Pansy asked a very happy Draco.

Draco sighed, he ran a hand through his blond hair. “No idea.”

“Tell her soon.” Pansy smiled at her best friend. Draco was also her very first friend.

When she was about five, her parents told her to wear her best, most expensive dress because they had very important visitors coming over. She was very anti-social back then. She’d rather stay in her room, playing with her dolls so she spent twenty minutes throwing a tantrum. But her parents bribed her into going downstairs. They told her they’d buy her a new doll and a new cat.

She was met by a very snobby, blond boy. He stuck his nose up in the air, making him look down on you, just like Pansy always does and he had that arrogant gleam in his eyes which Pansy always had as well.

The boy smirked in her direction.

He had very pointy and sharp features even for a five year old. His blond hair was slicked back and he had stormy grey eyes. He looked as though he’d die of boredom any second. And he was also very handsome, Pansy remembered thinking so.

Pansy smirked back. And that was the beginning of their friendship.

He was arrogant, just like her. He was also very rude and funny just like her. He loved cats, too, which made Pansy stand up, and announce “I now declare you, my bestest fwend ever!” She sounded just like a queen even if she had trouble pronouncing her r’s but she was five, mind you.

When they were eleven and Pansy started feeling grown up, she wanted so badly so stand up and announce, just like when they were five, “I now declare you my boyfriend!” Because she was eleven and she couldn’t help but fancy her good-looking best friend. But then again, she fancied Theodore Nott and-Merlin, Harry Potter when they entered Hogwarts.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2012 ⏰

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