Chapter 2:Friends

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It wasn't the best day today. Snow was past my hooves, I was starting to get a cold, and it was all really just shit. Just as I was about to open the door to my home I heard someone yell behind me.

"WATCH OUT" Suddenly a blue Pegasus crashes right into me.

"OW! Hey watch where you're- wait thunder?!"

"Oh hey Radio fancy meeting you here!"

"Fancy? You crashed into me!"

"Oh right sorry"

I start getting up and going in my house "anyways why the hell are you here"

"Well I was helping other pegasi with the clouds until one gray pony thought it was a good idea to buck it. Give me a better reason to call me shaking thunder"

I should probably explain who this pony is. His name is shaking thunder he's a good friend of mine some say he's the 2nd fastest flyer in equestria right behind rainbow dash.

"Well thunder it was nice catching up but I got some work to do"

"Wait are you going to the party?"

"What party?"

"Vinyl is throwing a huge block party everypony is coming!"

"Sounds fun I may or may not join but again I'm busy so bye"

"Alright see you there probably"

A party? Come on I got much better things to do...... Well I guess I could go wolfbones might be there and thunder is dying for me to go. Well I guess I'm going. What's the worse that could happen?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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