Guys, Phan is real

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Phil POV

I woke up with a warm body next to me, it's Dan. I know it's Dan's, but I'm so not used to a body next to me even though we are happily engaged for two weeks today. I know we have to tell the fans we can't do this really any longer. I then hear Dan's voice popped my thought bubble.

"Phil what are you thinking about," he said with sleepiness in his voice from just waking up.

"Just we have to tell the fans sometime Dan," I said has we interlinked our hands like we do every morning.

"Okay, we'll tell them today. I want them to know about us. The whole story of us. How we started and how we are gonna start our new lives."

We kissed and got out of bed. Dan hopped in the shower and I set up the camera. Dan and I sat next to each other. Hands interlocked and both of us breathing heavily.

"Are you ready?" I ask Dan.

"Yeah, let's get this filmed."

I started the camera and smiled.

"Hello guys!" I say as I grip Dan's hand tighter.

"Hi." Dan says awkwardly

"Phan is for real!" I say smiling crazily.

All of a sudden I can hear the fangirl screams.

" Phil and I have been engaged for 2 weeks and we've never been happier." Dan said smiling at me.

We told them how we started as a couple and how Dan proposed. Before we ended the video, we showed the rings then kissed. After we uploaded the video we could just hear the screams. We could finally hold hands and kissing while filming.

Phan is real (in process of editing!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant