Chapter Three

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“What do you mean there's been a problem?” Said Copper, clearly irritated and now close to tears.

“You require another eighty thousand credits.” Spoke the lady, barely glancing up from her glasses.

“I don't need another eighty thousand credits. I was only due a payment of thirty thousand credits. This should be my final payment,” she spoke, her voice rising by word “look at my last payment.”

“I'm sorry, Auron Co's interest rates have gone up by their yearly rate. Would you like to hand in what you have in now?”

“Yes,” muttered Copper, handing over the fifty thousand credits. She watched the lady adjust her navy suit before turning around on her chair and sliding Copper's money into a cash counter. Grimacing, she looked on as the lady printed out a handout that stated she still needed another eighty thousand credits.

In a huff she shoved the paper into her pocket, relaxing as it crumpled into a ball. She shot one last look at the receptionist before walking away. Copper walked behind Ake, Sal and Shady who looked just as glum as she did. Their reflection was mirrored in each of the glass panes that coated the building, and Copper looked the worst of them all. Her reflection was pale and the only red was from her eyes, where she'd been almost tempted to cry.

As they stepped onto the tarmac, she watched as her crew glumly walked back to her ship. Her ship was a miserable site. it was broken in places, some panels scratched and other panels almost peeling off. It was still functioning and Copper only kept it because it was all she could afford. It was her dad's ship – the same model and make; she bought another wrecked one as it was all she could afford. Missy did a good job, but she was in a pitiful state and Copper almost cried looking at her. The ship smelt of oil where her engine had leaked, and Ake sighed as he went to fetch his toolkit and walked ahead of the rest of them inside. Copper felt around in her pocket for her dad's keys, looking for her last vestige of hope, that she'd pay off his debt but she was left with more sadness.

They walked on the ship, their feet weighted down, like boulders. Ake immediately disappeared inside, toolkit in hand, heading to the engine room. They sat at the mess hall table, staring at each other. It was finally Sal who decided to break the silence. As the chair scraped backwards, Sal got up and walked around.

"Where are we going to get eighty thousand credits from?"

"We're not, that's the short answer. Unless the scanner finds anything good, then we're not in very good standing I’m afraid." Replied Copper, looking forlornly at the table.

"There must be some way, somewhere we can earn money."

"We? There's no we in this. I hired you to do your job and you've done it. You can leave if you like." Said Copper, swilling her drink around in circles. Copper smiled weakly at Sal who shook her head and walked over to her.

"We're a team now Captain. You're going to have to deal with us – we're not just paychecks anymore."

With a flicker, a glancing smile passed on her face but wasn't there for long. Instead, she watched at Sal began to adjust her orange overalls, and move her stray hair away from her face. Sal came and perched on the edge of the table and looked through the scanner's latest results, and read them out to Copper.

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