Make Them Pay For The Things That They Did

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Jeonghan looked in the mirror, yawning as he pulled his hair into a pony tail. He'd been growing it out for nearly 8 months, it was past his nipples now. Joshua told him that that meant he was officially a mermaid. He didn't quite get that joke; it must be an American thing. Whatever, Jeonghan liked his hair. He liked looking pretty.

He was tired.
He and Seungcheol stayed up until 2am. They'd been doing that way too often lately. Time got away from them when they were just talking, telling stories, playing games and laughing. Sometimes they just watched tv together, snuggled under the blanket on Seungcheol's bed. Sometimes they fell asleep that way.
He was tired, but he wouldn't change it. Those nights were the best nights, the nights when he felt like home.

2014 came and went faster than Jeonghan thought it would.
His singing is better than it's ever been, his dancing has improved a ton too, and he even shed some of that weight he gained earlier in the year. Thing were good.

A new kid showed up early in the year, shortly after Mingming left. His name was Xu Minghao, and he was Chinese. Naturally, he became friends with Junhui the quickest. He was very quiet because he wasn't quite fluent in Korean yet, but Jeonghan tried to help him out whenever he could. He showed him around the dorms, and helped him with some choreography. He seems nice, but so timid.
Hopefully, the kid will come out of his shell eventually.

Next thing everyone knew, it was 2015 and their presumed debut was inching closer and closer.

Despite most of their photoshoots so far being dark and serious, with lots of black clothes, the demo for their debut song was actually quite upbeat and fresh.
Jeonghan liked it when he heard Jihoon singing the rough version of it in the studio one morning. He imagined what he'd sound like singing it.
It seemed like the rest of the vocal team liked it too, because they were smiling and nodding along.

"It's not perfect yet. I still need to fix some things. We're going to record the b-sides first, ok?" Jihoon explained as he took the CD out of the player.

"Hyung, when are we going to start recording?" Seungkwan asked, leaning against the table and tilting his head to the side.

Jihoon thought for a moment, "Studio time is going to be tough to get. NU'EST Sunbaenim is recording for their comeback too, and our schedules are packed. I think we can squeeze in some time to record our parts for Adore U in a week or so."


"5 6 7 8!"
Their instructor, Hyoseong, led them through the choreography to one of their songs, No F.U.N. Despite the song's name, the dance was actually super fun to learn. They got to use umbrellas as props and twirl them around and stuff.

"Alright, great job guy! Now let's run through the whole thing, with the music, yah?!" Hyoseong announced, watching as all of them got back into their starting positions.

*Ring ding dong, ring ding dong
Ring diggy ding diggy ding ding ding-*

"Alright who the hell forgot to turn their phone off?!" He asked angrily.

Some of the guys laughed at the ringtone, while other's looked around to see who it belonged to.

Jeonghan's cheeks turned bright red as he ran towards his backpack in the corner of the room. He fumbled with the zipper for a couple seconds before finally getting a hold of his phone. It was his mom calling.

'That's weird, she basically never calls me.'

He shrugged, turning his phone onto vibrate and laying it on top of his backpack, "Sorry about that, Hyoseong Hyung," he said as he jogged back to his spot.

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