Make A Citizen Out Of You

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The next morning, Seungcheol found himself waking up to an empty space next to him. Getting up and stretching a bit, he walked out to the hallway, where he saw the bathroom door cracked open with the light on.


Seungcheol pushed the door open, his mouth falling open in shock at the sight inside, "Jeonghan?"

Jeonghan stood there, a pair of scissors in one hand, and a huge chunk of hair in the other. A tear ran down his cheek as he turned to look at Seungcheol. He must've cut off at least 6 inches of hair, because the part that he cut ended right above his shoulder.
He didn't say anything, he just leaned against the counter and sighed as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Jeonghan, why did you do that?" He asked gently, approaching him and gently prying the scissors out of his hands and placing them on the counter

He put the chunk of hair in the sink, wiping his face, "The guys that beat me up.." he sobbed, biting his lip hard, "They said-uh-they said that they wanted to teach fags like me a lesson.." he whimpered as he wrapped his arms around Seungcheol and cried onto his shoulder, "They attacked me becuase..of how I look.. they called me pretty boy, but they meant it-it-in a bad way.

"Oh baby,'ll be ok," Seungcheol cooed.

Jeonghan lifted his head, shaking it slightly, "Seungcheol.." he sniffles, "I thought they were g-gonna rape me," he put his head back on the older's shoulder, crying again, "I was so scared..I mean, they didn't rape me but..

Seungcheol didn't say anything at first, he just held the crying boy in his arms. Once Jeonghan started to calm down a little, Seungcheol cleared his throat, "I'm gonna stay by your side from now on. I'm gonna make sure no one ever touches you again. If I ever see those guys, they're gonna regret ever laying a finger on you."


The next day, Jeonghan went to the salon to get his hair fixed. Thankfully, the managers didn't come down too hard on him, they were pissed that he had to redo all of his photo shoots though.

Seungcheol threw away all of the razor blades in the dorm, and put away the scale they kept in the bathroom. He wished Jeonghan could start going to therapy, but with the debut coming up, he couldn't. They were doing the best they could on their own.
This was a new beginning for both of them.

"Hannie?" Seungcheol asked when Jeonghan came back from the bathroom before bed one night. About a week had passed since the incident.


"Can I see your legs, please?" He asked delicately, tilting his head to the side.

Jeonghan sighed, "Do we have to do this every night? You threw away all the razors, what am I even going to use?" He asked, pouting like a little kid as he pulled the legs of his shorts up to show Seungcheol his thighs, "I'm a week clean."

"And I'm very proud of you," Seungcheol said, smiling. He got up from his bed and approached his boyfriend, "You're doing so good, baby," he gave Jeonghan a gentle kiss, cupping his cheeks, "We've come this far, we can get through anything.."

Grabbing at Seungcheol's shirt, Jeonghan smiled at him, "Yeah. I love you, Cheolie."

"Love you too."


May 15, 2015

Today is the day.
Seventeen were making their official debut.
Their music video has just dropped, and now they are about to have their debut stage.
In the green room, backstage of the Mcountdown set, the members all waited anxiously to be called up.

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