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Yeosang [] Jongho

They made their way downstairs to find two plates of breakfast sitting on the table. And a note right beside it.

He picked up the note and sat down to read it. Yeosang looking over his shoulder to read the note also.

Dear Brother,
I am writing this note for a couple of reasons that I will get into. But need be to say that our parents are coming in two days. And we both know how that will turn out. I will be back for your birthday. And I hope you and Yeosang get through your parents.

Love you both
Your sister.

"Dammit" He said. Yeosang looked at him with worried eyes. "It's okay. Come here." His eyes had become blurry from the tears that had started to form in his eyes.

He got up and went to the couch. Where Yeosang put his arms around him and brought him into the tightest hug he had ever been in.

"It's going to be alright. Hey. What's the matter? You can tell me." He looked up at the one person he actually trusted when he said this.

"My parents. They will make us break up. They don't like gay's. They'll hate me." He felt Yeosang's hand grab onto his back and make circles to try and calm him down. "Hey." Yeosang lifted his chin up and wipped away his tears. "Your parents will always love you. And if they don't accept you." Yeosang paused for a second before continuing.

"I will always love you. And you will never be able to get rid of me." He looked up at Yeosang. He saw his concerned face. And how he wanted to help but didn't know how to.

"Do you want to help me take my mind off of this?" He said. Yeosang sat up right after and moved him so they were facing each other.

"YesyesIwilldoanythingyouneed." He said, staring him in the eye.

He smirked a little bit. Knowing that Yeosang wanted to do anything for him. He knew that Yeosang got what he was thinking, because Yeosang leaned back onto the couch. This bringing himself down ontop of him.

The only thing that he was thinking about at that moment was how Yeosang loved him.

He sat back a bit leaving a horny looking Yeosang staring at him. Hunger in both their eyes.

"Yeosang." He said leaning in so their faces were an inch apart. Dying for the other's lips against his. "I love you too." He closed the space between them.

He felt Yeosang smile against him. "I love you more." He heard Yeosang whisper against him.

He took this opportunity to stop the kiss. He looked at his swolen lips hungrily. Before licking his lips and talking. "I love you more."

He leaned back into the kiss. He pushed Yeosang back into the sofa further. But still at a slant.

His hand made it's way down towards the hem of Yeosang's pants. He skipped his hand to make its way towards Yeosang's thigh.

He felt Yeosang let out a small moan. He used one hand to keep him in place but made Yeosang tilt his head to deepen the kiss.

He opened Yeosang's mouth a little bit, but Yeosang opened it even more for him.

He kissed him deeper and more needlingly than before. His tounge roaming all around finding spots where he hasn't been before.

Yeosang let out a loud moan when his hand found its way to Yeosang's member. Never taking off clothes.

He sat up making Yeosang sit up. Neither wanting to leave the kiss, Jongho lofted his shirt up allowing Yeosang to breathe.

When he went back in to kiss him he saw that Yeosang had taken off his shirt to not waste time.

"Hot." He had whispered to Yeosang, knowing that it would make him harder and either more confident or shy. Luckily for him it made him more confident.

Yeosang [] Jongho

He tilted his neck which Jongho got the message and moved his lips to his neck.

He missed Jongho's lips on his own. He could feel Jongho's hand making it's way down towards his member and felt it getting even more hot in the room.

But the one thing that had stuck in his mind was, Jongho loved him. As he loved Jongho.

He loved him. Jongho loved him.

He couldn't help but let out a small moan. Jongho's hand started to grip hard knowing that it would give him pleasure. Pleasure from the pain.

He let out a louder moan when Jongho started to dig his one leg into his thigh.

Their lips met once again. He felt Jongho's tounge roaming around in his mouth. Their lips moving in sync from knowing each other's.

He moved his own hands down to the hem of Jongho's pants. His hand roaming around below his pants until they found his buckle.

He undid the buckle and let out a moan when he noticed he didn't wear underwear that day. He reached his hand down into his pants and tilted his head.

Jongho set his legs on either side of him and used the hand he was using to keep himself up he moved it so it was taking Yeosang's hands and pinning them up over him. He let out a louder and longer moan when he did this. Overcome with some pain from Jongho doing it too fast.

He kept telling himself that this was all for Jongho and to help him keep his mind off his parents. But he couldn't help but enjoy some of it.

And he knew this wasn't all just to keep Jongho's mind off of his parents. He knew Jongho was enjoying this just about as much as he was.

Jongho's one hand found it's way to the buckle of his pants. He felt Jongho undo the buckle and felt his hand go into his pants.

All he could mannage to say from all the moans and the kissing is, "I fucking love you Jongho."

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