The Journey Of Life With An Unknown Destination

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Yet again your eyes flutter open and you find yourself alone, abandoned, and agitated. Analysing your surroundings, you find yourself aboard a familiar passenger car of an old, almost medieval steam train. Something about the coach gives you an uneasy feeling in your stomach, but you are unable to pinpoint what. Hesitant, you rise from your seat and scurry towards a grimy window and gaze upon the scenery outside. Vast valleys and monstrous mountains zip past as the train continues to speed down tracks; not stopping to admire the view. The luscious green grass and icy blue skies take your breath away. Desperate to enjoy the outdoors, you attempt to open the glass barrier keeping you confined in this small space, but to no avail. 

Suddenly, an older woman enters the car you are in, wheeling a small trolley with a limited selection of goods. The woman appears to be in her early fifties- wrinkles covering her face and hands and wearing a blue uniform. As she approaches you, she opens her mouth to begin to speak. 

"Hello my dear," she projects in a raspy voice, "We are a bit low on supplies, but help yourself to whatever you like."

Gently, you place one hand on the woman's shoulder and politely ask where you are. Distressed the lady escapes from your grasp and dismisses your question as she continues onward towards the next carriage. Your voice breaking, you beg her not to leave. Her company made you feel safe, protected, and not alone. 'Why is that' you wonder to yourself. 

"Sorry dear, I need to go and help the other passengers now." She whispers as she exits. 

You sprint after the woman until a locked door stands in your way. Aggressively, you yank the handle and peer in to the next carriage. To your amazement, at least a dozen other passengers appear to be on the other side of the door. With all your might, you pound on the window to draw their attention to you. Slowly, in an almost robotic motion, the group of people turn their heads to face you. In a un-natural manner they all scurry over and begin pounding on the glass. Their faces pale and sickly, yet they bellow all sorts of aggression with no struggle, like they were trying to attack you personally. Fearful you retreat towards the back of the coach only to discover the second exit also blocked by similar individuals. Its no use... you're trapped. 

With all hope lost, you collapse onto the floor in despair when you hear a deep echoing voice call out to you. 

"WHY AM I HERE?" you scream out- not expecting an answer. 

"Because you don't have a choice," replied the voice which came from a mysterious gentleman who now stood before you. He donned a clean blue suit and a conductor's hat, suggesting he had high authority upon this vessel in which you were an unwilling passenger. 

Before you can ask any further questions, the train becomes engulfed by the deep, depressive darkness of a tunnel... and all you hear is silence. 

'Is this the end?' 

'Is the nightmare over?'

Yet again your eyes flutter open and you find yourself alone, abandoned, and agitated. Analysing your surroundings, you find yourself aboard a familiar passenger car of an old, almost medieval steam train. Something about the coach gives you an uneasy feeling in your stomach, that's when you realise... 

it's just another day.    

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