Chapter Seven - Rain

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Rain made her way through town, following Reef. I think we're heading to the edge of town...but why?

He turned back to look at her. "Uh, were almost there! Are you hungry, though? We could stop to get you something, I suppose...".

Rain bit her lip. "No thanks-". Rain, your not just thinking for yourself anymore! Remember that...
"Actually, I want something".

Reef blinked. "Oh, okay. Anything in mind or...?".

She let out a forced laugh. "Surprise me...Or don't, actually! Um, I'll just get some seagull".

Reef turned away. "Right! I think I saw a cart over here-". He was cut off as a red shape bundled into him.


Before Rain could move, Reef rolled over and pinned the dragon down. "YOU! Know your place, you little rat!".

The dragon tensed up under Reef. "Yes, sir! Sorry, sir! I was just trying to get back to Droplet-".

Reef rolled his eyes. "Ugh, that little traitor?! Tell her to keep you out of town so we don't have to see your ugly face!". He stepped off of the FlickerWing.

The dragon just sat there for a second, looking around. "Uh, sorry. I'll tell her that...".

Reef snorted. "Good! Now get out of here, Azar!".

Azar ducked his head. "Yes, sir!".

Rain stepped forward before he could leave. "What? Your a real FlickerWing? In our town...How?! This is like the best thing ever! What is it like to-".

Reef jabbed her in the side. "That's enough, brat!".

Rain stumbled sideways but caught herself and stood up. She quickly curled her tail around herself protectively as a strange instinct gripped her. "Hey! Don't do that, you could hurt-....Me...Yeah, you could hurt me".

Reef gave her a weird look. "Whatever. I don't care about what your feeling right now-".

Azar cleared his throat. "Er, I know it's none of my business...but, your not being very nice! I mean, I don't know anything about you...". He started talking as Reef shot him a glare.

Rain stepped forward again. "Uh, My name is Rain. This Kelp-Face is Reef, I'm sorry he's being a jerk!".

Azar looked down. "No,no! It's all fine, I'm used to this! And, uh, my name is Azar, as you heard".

Rain smiled. "This is so amazing! I'm meeting a actual FlickerWing! Why are you here?! Are you a-".

Azar shuffled his front talons nervously. "Droplet is my partner, that's why I'm here. And, uh, sorry for interrupting you! I just need to get back".

Rain widened her eyes. "You married a CoastWing?! Wow!....Falling in love with a enemy...What's that like?!".

Reef snorted. "Why would you would to know?". He trailed his front talon up her neck, thrusting her head up. "You have me".
Rain frowned and looked back to Azar.

He bit his lip. "Uh, I don't know. It just happened.....".
"Well, can you tell me more about the FlickerWings?".

He looked down again. "I can't! I'm not with them, that's why I live here".

Reef flicked his tail. "That's enough! Get out of my sight!".

Azar nodded and rushed out of their line of sight, disappearing behind several CoastWings.
Rain let out a sigh. "Why did you have to be so rude? He wasn't doing anything!".

Reef glared down at her. "I can't have you getting ideas! You have focus on other things, not our enemy tribe".

Rain looked down. "Right, Uh...but it was still amazing! Why didn't I know he was living here?".

Reef put his tail on her shoulder. "I don't have time for your questions. Let's go get you breakfast".

A sudden feeling of pain passed through her stomach. She sat back down, breathing hard. "No,no....I don't want anything now".

Reef turned back to her, confused. "Are you sure- Oh! Are you okay?".

She couldn't reply as she spun around, crouched down and vomited. Reef was at her side at once, he was muttering something but she couldn't hear him properly.

She looked back up. Three moons! Ugh....Reef is looking at me like I'm crazy. I should tell him, I have to....Or I could lie. I can't do this now! Why did-

Reef cleared his throat. "Are you okay now? Do you need to go home?".

Rain sighed. "I-I'm fine now! Just a stomachache....".

He nodded. "Okay, come on". He turned away and started to continue to the edge of town.

Rain stood up and clenched her teeth as another flash of pain went through her stomach. Why is it so painful?! Is something wrong with the....No! I could ask Ray, she'd know more about it....But then she'd be suspicious

Reef looked back. "Rain! Are you sure your okay?".

She smiled back. "Er, yes! Keep on going!".

Reef frowned but kept on walking.

Rain looked back over shoulder and blinked when she saw red scales in the distance. Azar had stopped at the edge of the circle of vendors and was eyeing her.

He jumped up when he saw her looking over. She nodded at him as he trotted away.

When is he so jumpy? I mean, CoastWings are probably horrible to him...
But he's lived here for a while now it seems like and if he's not with the FlickerWings, he should be treated better!

The way he looked at me....and Reef. Like he was guilty?

Why would be guilty? If anything, he's helping our tribe!

Maybe he was just scared of Reef...


He knows something the CoastWings don't...


Azar is KiwiDragon6 's OC and I thought it would be fun to have him in the story!

If you want to create your own FlickerWing or CoastWing OCS, go ahead! Feel free to tags me too!

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