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"So what's the plan?" She asked once I parked the car.

I'd driven to another city already and we were at the center of it. It was nighttime, but most restaurants and some other shops were open.

"We can go for a walk around the city and get something to eat and speak-"

"Okay, let's go" She said excitedly and opened the door getting out of the car.

I smiled as I got out of the car and locked it, "Come here" I told her.

Her face fell and she looked nervous around me all of a sudden, "Why?" She asked.

"Just come here" I smiled at her. She approached me and I brought her closer before putting a grey hoodie on her that I'd brought with me. It was too big for her and she looked adorable.

She looked taken aback as I zipped it up and covered her head with the hood. My palms lingered on the back of her head as I stared at her flushed face.

"That way there is absolutely no chance of getting recognized" I said and took her hand in mine.

I felt like I was crossing the line with all this physical contact. I was waiting for her to stop me, but she never did. In fact, she held my hand just as tight and we started walking around.

The city was pretty busy. Many people were out in restaurants or just walking by.

"Have you ever been here before?" I asked her.

"Not really. I'm guessing you have" She said quietly.

"Yes, of course I have. It's actually where I went to college"

It felt weird saying that to her, as if she was a stranger, a girl that I was meeting for the first time and perhaps that's what it was. She wasn't the same bubbly little girl I left behind. It made me sad that I'd missed out on so much.

"So you weren't that far after all" She mumbled.

What was I supposed to say to that? I wanted to tell her I missed her-

Fuck it. I want to do it, I'm going to do it.

"I missed you. I wish I didn't ever have to leave" I said looking at her, but she never looked at me. The ground was much more interesting.

"Yeah yeah, I know"

Woah she just brushed it off.

"What did you do all this time? I'm guessing you got a college degree" She said changing the topic.

"Yeah, I did" I answered with not that much of an interest. I wasn't interested in talking about myself, I was Interested in getting to know her.

"Did you get a job?" She asked.

"Let's say I did, but I want to hear about you. What did you do?"


"Nothing?" I asked, not buying it. I knew for a fact this girl always kept herself busy.

"I graduated high school got into university, but you know, that's over now I guess" She chuckled bitterly.

I felt bad.

Hell, I should feel bad.

"And you know, I got engaged and almost got married" She continued.

That marriage made my blood boil everytime I was reminded of it.

"You were invited too" She chuckled.

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