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The phone call saved me from the conversation we were having with Amara, but what I heard was even worse than the conversation.

"Ryder, they know you have her. Jason's father came by our house today and caused chaos. M-my dad is injured a-and-" Gordon's voice was shaking so I cut him off trying to calm him down.

"Hey hey, it's okay. It's all under control now. Where is your dad? Are your parents okay now?"

I glanced at Amara and saw how worried she was. She gave me a questioning look and I shook my head not knowing what to do.

"My mom took my dad to the hospital. Jason's father made it clear, he knows you have her. My parents denied it and he got mad and-"

"Do you know where he went?" I asked.

He told me a potential direction and I immediately sent men looking for him after ending the call.

"What happened?" Amara asked when I stopped talking on the phone.

I sighed and run my hand over my face, "You're not going to like this" I shook my head squinting my eyes.

"Well, tell me!" She demanded.

"Jason and his family know I have you and they confronted your parents"

She stood shocked for a few seconds before asking, "Are they okay?"

"Yes, they are okay. I sent men looking for Jason's father but this isn't enough. They can't find you and this place hasn't got enough security. We need to take you to our main place" I said thinking.

She would question it. She would find out what I am eventually. She would hate me even more.

"Main place?" She asked frowning.

"Just a house with a lot of people, more security. We're going there today"


"Yes, today. I can't risk your safety" I said.

"They already know you have me. What's the point anyways?" She asked.

"I'll deny everything"

"Wait, will you be in that house with me?" She asked.

That question ruined me, because I knew the answer and I didn't like it.

I guess my expression gave it away and she scoffed.

"No! I'm not going anywhere without you!" She said firmly, "You took me from my family you're all I have now, like it or not"

I didn't know if I felt happy that she said I was all she had or if I felt guilty for taking her away.

"For a few days I'll have to be away so I can convince them that I'm not the one keeping you"

She hugged herself and looked down pouting. She looked so adorable. She was wearing my sweatshirt which basically hid most of her and was too big for her. She had her light brown hair up in a pony tail and she was wearing her glasses which made her look irresistibly cute.

"No" She whined quietly.


I held out my arms and smiled, "Come here baby girl"

I held back from smiling even more when she rolled into my arms and wrapped her arms around my torso.

"I promise you I'll be back before you know it" I said and kissed the top of her head.


Everything happened really quick. I had already taken her to her new "home" and she was now meeting with the guys.

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