Ch 1 why?

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Just thought it was funny^

Story time GO!



I wake up for the second time in the anti-void. I see dust walking around looking at out surroundings surprisingly I see that all my strings and the SOULs and puppets are still here.. odd... just then Dust looks at me, sees that I am awake, runs over, and hugs me. "Dad! Your awake"

"Heh yeah... guess I am." I pause for a moment then realize "they don't know I'm back!" Dust looks at me confused when suddenly I see a goopy portal appear. Dust jumps a bit when he sees it and hides behind me..

"Dad what's-" he was cut off my nightmare walking out of the portal "wait is that? Dad what's Mr. Nightmare doing here?"

"E-Error?" Nightmare freezes apon seeing me... I mean I can't blame him everyone here thought I died.

"Hey night!" Dust looks even more confused I should probably explain..

"Dad why did he call you Error? I mean I know you look him but can't he tell the difference? And why is so shocked? And what did he just come out of?!" I laugh at the amount of questions dust sends my way. Nightmare is cautiously making his way towards us probably Unser as to what to think cause there's a tiny dust, who works for him, calling me, his friend that he presumed dead, dad.

"I need to explain somethings don't I?" Nightmare looks at my like he's about to cry and nods. And dust replies with a small "yep"

"Alright so nightmare this is Dust." Dust gives a small wave which nightmare return confusedly, again can't blame him. "So both of you must be confused so lemme explain," I crouch down and look at dust "Dust this is the original multiverse, I jumped into the void here because of the *cough* stress from my previous ahem job." Nightmare looks at me confused while dusts face is more of concern "but I was saved. A woman named destiny healed me threw me into a universe that fate had no control over. There I got an apartment, met a nice old woman who taught me how to cook and many other thing a normal monster should know *nervous laughter* and she helped me get a job at the local middle school where I met counter parts of all of my friends and enemy's, I think the students cared for me as much as I cared for them. Soon after I got the job I found out dust here had abusive parents and rescued him from them and adopted him. It's been five years.... I didn't want to come back... but seeing you night... makes being here a lot easier..." nightmare gave a laugh chuckle at the last bit

"Well Error while you were gone Ink and Dream finally realized that there actually was a balance and ink stoped creating AUs. And us 'badies'destroyed enough of the AUs that the balance has been restored thankfully." I sigh in relief I don't think I could do that anymore. I'm finally almost mentally healed though that yelling still gets to me... I'm glad the caucus aren't here. " and well a lot happened... your brothers Error they... they didn't want to live without you Error... but they were saved... sort of... blue and dust-" dust looks up at the sound of his name " not you bud this multiverses blue sorry" dust just shrugs in response " anyway blue stopped his innocent act and dust is even more insane than before apparently papyrus blames him for your jumping... anyway killer got his sad emotions back... but he can't feel full happiness sorta... he's just stuck in this depression like state maybe seeing you alive and well will help... anyway the charas...." Error tensed at hearing the name of fallen ones "they did not stop genocide for the first year you were gone... then they just stopped one by one not doing anything... I've tried to help them as much as I can but... you their  Dunkle Error.... and to them I'm just uncle goop...." Error sighed then looked at dust

"Well taht settles that then. Dust how would feel about missing a bit of school? (Although I don't know how to get back there anyway) and you'll need a new name because there is a dust already in this multiverse... how about powder? It's similar enough to Dust." Dust just nods then freezes...

"Dad is there Cell Service here?"

AND that my friends is where we are ending this episode!

I would like to tank each and every one of you nonexistent reader for reading this story...

Welp I hope you have a great day/ Night BAIII!!!

What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*Where stories live. Discover now