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"Jimin, you can't just leave it there forever," Hoseok says. "Sure I can," Jimin says.

Currently it is 1 o'clock and Hoseok is at Jimin's house trying to convince him that letting Jungkook follow him is fine. However, Jimin doesn't think he should. Jimin would rather just leave it and not do anything about it.

"Just let him follow you and leave it," Hoseok says. "But I don't want to get roped into whatever he could have planned. What if he just wants to hook up or something?" Jimin asks. "Or he could simply just want to follow you, like a normal person," Hoseok says, laughing a little.

"Yah! It's not funny," Jimin says pouting. "Give me your phone," Hoseok holds out his hand. "No," Jimin says. "Just give me it," Hoseok argues. "All I'm going to do is press accept." "But..." Jimin trails off. "Give," Hoseok says, still holding his hand out.

"I'll just do it then," Jimin says. "You better not click decline," Hoseok says. "I won't because then you would make me follow him," Jimin says, logging onto his phone. Hoseok laughs as he waits for Jimin to allow Jungkook to follow him.

"There," Jimin says holding his phone up to show Hoseok. "Good, now I should get going. My mom said I can't be here all day," Hoseok says. "But..." Jimin whines. "I know, but I'll see you Monday alright?" Hoseok asks.

"Fine," Jimin says. "Bye," Hoseok says standing up. "See ya," Jimin says. Hoseok walks out, leaving Jimin alone.

Jimin gets up and walks downstairs to see his mom and sister on the couch watching a movie. Jimin joins them and sits down beside Hana. "Hey Jimin," his mom says. "What are you guys watching?" he asks.

"Nothing much," his mom says. Jimin looks at the t.v and watches the movie, trying to see what's happening. A few minutes later he feels some press against him. Jimin looks down and sees Hana cuddling into his side. Jimin wraps his arms around Hana, while they both continue to watch the movie.

After about an hour, Jimin"s phone went off startling both him and Hana. Jimin grabbed his phone to check what had startled him and his sister. Well let's just say it was a message Jimin didn't want. It was from Jungkook.

Jungkook: Hello.

Jimin read the message over and over again, not knowing what to answer. In fact he doesn't even know if he should answer. So what does Jimin do? Test his best friend.

Chimchim: HOBI!

Chimchim: HOBI!!!!!

Chimchim: HOSEOK!

Chimchim: I NEED HELP NOW!

Chimchim: HOSEOK!

Hobi: What.

Chimchim: Help. I need help.

Hobi: With what?

Chimchim: Jungkook.

Hobi: Wait just call me.

Chimchim: Okay hold on.

"Hana, I have to get up," Jimin whispers in her ear. "Why?" she asks. "I have to call Hoseok, but I'll be right back, Okay,?" Jimin says. Hana nods and moves away from Jimin, allowing him to get up. Jimin walks to his bedroom and closes the door.

Jimin dials Hoseok's number and waits for him to pick up. As soon as Hoseok answers the phone, Jimin starts talking.

"So, when I was in the middle of watching a movie, guess who texts me?" Jimin asks over the phone. "Jungkook," Hoseok answers. "Yes and what did he say? Hello," Jimin says. "I don't see the point," Hoseok says.

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