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Just a heads up this chapter focuses on Jimin again. I thought it might be more interesting to have it be focused on Jimin again, rather than Jungkook. I promise though, the next chapter will be Jungkook focused. 


"Jimin, wake up," Jimin's mom says, shaking him. Jimin groans and slowly opens his eyes. "You have 15 minutes before Hoseok will be here," she says, before walking out leaving Jimin.

Jimin sits up and looks at his phone, realizing he doesn't have to text Hoseok to wake him up. Then, Jimin realizes he actually has to eat today. "Today will be fun," Jimin mumbles sarcastically while getting up.

Jimin grabs a pair of black skinny jeans and a white tee-shirt. He walks into the bathroom and changes into the clothes, putting his black sweatshirt on after. Jimin then combs through his hair making it look somewhat nice.

Jimin walks out of the bathroom and down the stairs to see, food at the dining table. "Where's Hana?" Jimin asks. "She is still sleeping, she was tired last night," his mom says.

"Hoseok should be here anytime," she says. Jimin sighs and sits down at the table still not wanting to eat anything. Soon enough, there was a knock on the door and in walked Hoseok. Hoseok sat down next to Jimin, while his mom left and went upstairs.

"So Jimin," Hoseok starts. "I'm not eating, so let's just go," Jimin says, getting up. "Slow down. Can you at least have one piece of fruit?" Hoseok asks.

"Hobi!" Jimin whines. "Please," Hoseok says, looking at Jimin with puppy eyes. Jimin makes the mistake to look at him and takes a strawberry. Jimin puts it in his mouth and starts eating.

"Alright, now we can go," Hoseok says. "But..." Jimin trials off. "What?" Hoseok asks. Jimin shakes his head wondering, why Hoseok didn't make him eat more. Jimin looks at the bowl of strawberries, thinking that they are pretty good.

Does Jimin want another strawberry? Yes. Will he grab another one and eat it. No. Why? Because he is stubborn and won't eat unless someone tells him to.

The walkout of Jimin's house and start on the way to school. "How was tutoring?" Hoseok asks like he didn't just convince Jimin into eating something.

"It actually went better than I thought, but I still don't like him," Jimin says. "Why not?" Hoseok asks. "You really need to ask that?" Jimin asks. "No," Hoseok says, letting out a chuckle.

"Why are you helping me?" Jimin asks. "Because. You're my best friend and I don't want anything to happen to you. Plus, you were the one who said keep trying," Hoseok says. "I did say that didn't I?" Jimin laughs a little and Hoseok nods.

"Hobi," Jimin says. "Hmm," Hoseok hums. "What if I kept saying no, would you make me sit there till I ate something?" Jimin asks. "Well, I mean yeah," Hoseok answers. "What if we were late for school?" Jimin asks.

"Oh please, you could never last that long," Hoseok says. Jimin looks down knowing his friend was right. He knows that Hoseok is way more stubborn than he is himself.

"Come on let's go to class," Hoseok says. They both walk into the school and go into the classroom. They both sit down and wait for Mr. Choi to come in and start class.

Eventually, he does come into the room and start class. However, Jimin is to busy worrying about lunch to pay attention to him.

~Time Skip~

"Jimin, what do you want?" Hoseok asks. Jimin just shrugs not wanting anything. "Alright," Hoseok says, figuring out he's going to have to pick something for Jimin.

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