Chapter 4

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     Ring ring ring I sit up in panic. It was just my alarm. Sighing, I reach over to my clock and turn it off. Throwing my covers off my bed, I jump up and start getting dressed for another lazy day at home. I sleep naked, although it poses a lot of problems when people randomly walk into my room. The amount of times I've had to hurriedly throw my blanket over my body is insane, and my timing is usually perfect. 

     I throw on a pair of white shorts and a baby blue crop top. Funny story, I actually got it in the kids section while thrifting, but I managed to fit it over them, if you know what I mean. After I finished getting dressed, I practically jump down the stairs to grab a bowl of cereal. Cinnamon Toast Crunch, the most superior cereal, obviously.

     "Jasmine, I don't think that's appropriate for church." I hear a voice say. Shit. I have church today.

     Groaning, I answer back. "I'm sorry Dad. I'll get changed after I eat." He says a quick thank you before I hear his steps retreat. I hate going to church. After shoving the rest of the cereal into my mouth and guzzling the leftover milk, I run back to my room.

     I decide to check the news on my laptop before getting ready. A gasp leaves my mouth. Anonymous posted a video. Typing YouTube in my search bar, I wait impatiently as it loads. Getting up from my chair, I decided to get dressed while I wait. Searching through my closet I decide on a short, yellow, tight fitting dress, and a pair of black sandals.

     Afterwards, I run over to my laptop and look for the video, scrolling a bit before I find it. Clicking on it, his voice starts up, giving me instant chills. Images flash across the screen about the Seattle Police Department, the protests, and police brutality. My eyes glued to the man in the mask. Weirdly enough, the man in front of me seems familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

     It ends sometime later and I sit there in shock. With everything that's going on, it's honestly not surprising that they have spoken out after three years. Me and many others I'm sure, can't wait to see what else they have in store for America. I lay my gaze one last time on the man in the mask before going to brush my teeth.

     Hearing my dad call my name, I finish up quickly and go to the car for a long three hours of church.

     We arrive at church, being one of the first families there of course. I've never seen the point in arriving so early. Walking up the stairs and into the lobby, I'm met with Johnathan Cortez, the preacher's son, also known as the biggest fuck boy in town. I roll my eyes and walk past him while he tries for the millionth time to talk to me. He's practically fucked every single girl in town except for the one's who have common sense, and I have common sense.

     Following my parents to the first few pews in the sanctuary, we sit down, and wait for the service to start. Over the course of thirty minutes the room became filled with people. Unfortunately for me, demon spawn sat right next to me. I felt a hand snake onto my thigh as I quickly smacked it away and looked up to find myself staring into the eyes of Johnathan.

     "What the hell do you want from me?" I whisper to him. Personally, I thought I made it crystal clear that I didn't want anything to do with him, but he refuses to get the memo. He grins back at my clearly upset face.

     "I just wanted to tell you that you look very nice today," he whispers back. I roll my eyes for the millionth time already. Deciding on ignoring him, I don't answer back and focus on the service; however, not even five minutes later, his hand is back on my thigh and I can feel his breath on my ear. "Why are you ignoring me? You can't say that you don't like me complimenting you," he chuckles.

     I shoved him off of me and quietly told him to fuck off. Suddenly, I feel like I am being watched, the same type of feeling I felt when I was dancing the other night. Rubbing my arms uncomfortably, I peek over my shoulder quickly, but everybody seems to be focusing on the pastor until I lock eyes with somebody. Tall, dark hair and strikingly green eyes. I sense familiarity about him but I can't quite put my finger on it. Keeping eye contact with him for a few seconds, I see his face soften and his eyes fill with what, warmth?
     I'm interrupted with a sharp jab in my side. I hiss and look at my mom. We exchange a glare before I look over my shoulder to see him gone. Who was that? I think to myself before I get a message on Instagram, it's Ezra again.

"How's church love?"

-Author note thingy-

No, it's not Harry styles, although I am obsessed w him, that's not how I picture him. <3_<3

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