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I was in complete shock. I was confused. His hand touched my cheek. Before I could respond he pulled away. Suddenly I hear the sound of glass breaking. I look in the direction of the loud sound. Only to see Jungkook. My eyes grew wide. He was holding a vase, which was now shattered to pieces, and a red rose in it which was now laying on the floor. My reflexes moving faster than my brain as I quickly stepped back from Taehyung leaving him confusion. He looked at Taehyung with anger but glanced at me with only hurt in his eyes. Why do feel so guilty. As if I did something wrong.

He scoffed and quickly walked away. I gazed at him as he walked away. "I'm sorry, Taehyung." I said, as I picked up the rose. Roses, my favorite. How did he know? I quickly ran after him. I didn't know where he went. I searched everywhere. Wait, our room. I quickly ran to the room. I opened it and it revealed a beautiful scene.

 I opened it and it revealed a beautiful scene

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I gasped at the sight, "Oh my god." I said to myself. Roses. Bouquets of roses were everywhere. I placed my hand over my mouth in shock. "D-did he do all this?" I asked myself. I walked deeper into the room. I heard a noise in the bathroom. "J-Jungkook....." I. Slowly approached him. He was just looking into the mirror. "I-I'm sorry," I apologized. Even though I didn't know why I was apologizing. I just needed to say it. "What are you sorry for, you didn't do anything wrong." He chuckled bitterly. He walked past me. "Wait, where are you going?" I asked as he apply the door. He glanced at me. "Enjoy the roses Y/n, they're your favorite." He said with a sad smile and closed the door behind him.

What just happened? Why do I feel so guilty.
Suddenly the rose in my hand slipped out. Why does this have such an effect on me. Suddenly a sharp pain in my head hit again. This time it wasn't stopping. I help my head in pain. Suddenly everything went black.

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