Thrity two

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"Hey Y/n," he said but I didn't answer. I just sat there and continued watching TV. "Y/n?" He called out again. "Hello?" He asked as he approached me, but I kept my poker face on. "Why aren't you speaking to me?" He asked worriedly. He sat next to me. "Y/nnnnnn!" He whined as he grabbed my hand. I tried really hard not to respond but he kept whining. "What?" I mumbled. "Why aren't you talking to me?" He asked. "Well why can't I meet with Jackson?" I answered, and he looked at me with surprise. "Because he's dangerous," he responded. "How??" I questioned. "It's complicated," he responded. "All I'm trying to do is keep you safe," he said. I huffed. "You have to believe me," he said with genuine sincerity. I sighed and gave a small nod. He suddenly pulled me into a hug. He caresses my hair. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he said. I lightly smiled and wrapped my arms around his toned waist. "Eww you smell gross," I said. "Way to ruin the moment," he said as we pulled away. He looked into my eyes and began leaning in. No no no no Y/n, don't, give in. He's probably using you? And doesn't he like someone else! My thoughts are cut off by the feeling of warm lips upon mine. I froze right there and then.

After my brain processed what was going on I hesitantly kissed back. It felt so familiar, and it felt so right, like I've felt this feeling inside of me before. These sparks. He licked my lip asking for entrance and I slowly allowed him. His tongue exploring my mouth. My hand found its way to his cheek while his held my waist softly. The kiss wasn't heated it was soft and delicate. It sent butterflies throughout my stomach. We pulled away for a breath of air. Out foreheads touching as we taste each other's breaths. "I should really go shower," he breathed out, and I give a small nod with a smile.

He left for the bathroom and I clutched my chest. My heart was palpitating. I kissed him. I KISSED HIM?!?!?! Oh my god. I leaned back on the chair and smiled to myself. Wait. I sat up. Did I fall for him? Pshhtttt no way. It was just a kiss. Right?

After a few minutes he exited the bathroom. He looked super hot. I never realized how amazing his abs were. Wow. "What's wrong babygirl? Hmm? Like what you see?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face. I was speechless. The one time I was speechless. I just huffed
and sat down.

After a few days everything was great. Jackson was gone and everything was back to normal except for one thing... "I'm leaving early today, I have a conference," Jungkook's said as he got off the bed. "Mmm ok," I replied still half asleep. He got ready and walked to my side of the bed. "I'm going now," he caresses my hair. "Give me a kiss," he nuzzled his face near mine. "No I have morning breath," I giggled. "I don't care," he puckered up his lips. I gave him a small peck. "Goodbye," he smiled. "Bye," I replied.

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