Fifty Nine

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(Warning! The following chapter contains mature content and if you feel uncomfortable you can always skip :) p.s listen to the song for amazing reading experience)

He stared at me, slowly approaching me. I gazed at him. He smashed his lips onto mine, walking backwards into the bedroom. His hand slipped up my shirt and unclasped my bra singlehanded. My brain was telling me to stop, but I couldn't. He was so irresistible. We both couldn't stand being apart, or the thought of us separating, was like a bullet into our chest. I unbuttoned his shirt throwing it off his shoulders. He pushed me onto the bed and with no time he was hovering over me. He slipped my shirt off and kissed me again. I knew we weren't supposed to be doing this. But I couldn't stop.

I unbuckled his belt and undid his pant buttons, making it fall to his feet. He pulled my jeans off and kissed down my body, leaving love bites and purple hickeys. He removed my underwear with his teeth, and returned to my face to kiss me. The kiss was filled with passion and love. I felt his fingers brush against my core and I whimpered at the sensation of tingles. "Like that love?...." he asked seductively, which caused me to shudder under him. After a minute he removed his fingers and replaced it with his huge member. He looked at me for reassurance. I nodded and he slowly pushed into me. I gasped at the feeling. Even though I've done this before, it still feels like the first. He slowly pushed into and out of me, allowing me ample time to adjust. I shut my eyes at the pleasure. He hasten his pace, as he groaned in my neck. I ran my fingers through his hair, as I softly moaned out. I scraped his back with my nails, and I knew he loved every second of it. He loves when I scratch his back and play with his hair.

He hit my g-spot, causing me to moan loudly. He went extremely deep, sending me over the edge as I moaned out his name. He ventured deep, deeper than before, but I enjoyed it. He kissed me, as he continued thrusting. Each one filled with passion and affection. Every touch was a touch of love, it wasn't just sex. It was love.

I clenched around him indicating that my high was near. "I-Jungkook." I moaned out. "I know love..." he said between moans. We both released at the same time. He kissed me once more softly. He smiled into the kiss. He laid next to me immediately hugging my naked body. "That was amazing." He breathed out. I nodded with a smile. I was tired, he went so deep, I was exhausted. "Was I to rough." He asked as he moved a strand of hair from my face. I shook my head no. "Goodnight love." He smiled as he kissed my forehead. "Goodnight Jungkook." I replied as I embraced him, while I entered my slumber.

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