I Love You...

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Hinata's POV
It was surprisingly cold outside. This made Kageyama's cheeks and nose red. He was cuter than usual. As soon as he waved goodbye to our third years, I grabbed him by the scarf and kissed him.

I caught him off guard but he certainly didn't look disappointed. He starting blushing, making him even cuter than he was before.

"Hey what's up with the surprise kisses today"
"I don't know you looked especially cute today"

He chuckled and slowly tilted my chin up to kiss me again. I had butterflies in my stomach. I couldn't help but hug him as tight as I could. This is who I am supposed to be with. I know it now. I want to spend my life with him.

"Hey, Kageyama...I love you"


Oh no...I rushed into things. He probably hates me now. What's wrong with me? I swear I mess Up everything good.

He kissed my cheek and intertwined our fingers.

"I love you too boke."

This has to be the happiest I have ever been in my life.

A/n: Thanks for reading my fanfiction. This was the first one I have ever written so please don't attack me if it's terrible. I really hope you enjoyed it. If you can't tell I'm a huge KageHina shipper. I loved this chapter especially because it gave me butterflies 🦋 🥺

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