02 | Galle

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She tucked her auburn strands behind her ears, gazing up at the gloomy sky with a smile as her outstretched hand caught droplets of diamond that came cascading down.

I watched from the school's entrance as she closed her eyes, enjoying its presence, ignoring others who hurried across the lot with their arms above their noetic heads, shielding themselves from a potential cold.

She didn't seem to notice how stars leaked from the corner of her eyes, trailing down her pale cheeks, blending themselves with the downpour as she silently drowned in pools of sadness.

And for a second, she looked so frail and vulnerable like the world had finally tainted her with its cruelty and injustice.

For a second, she was ready to scream, to empty her heart, to save herself from sinking any further.

For a second, she was ready to loosen her posture, to buckle her knees, to let go and fall apart.

But the next second when her eyes fluttered open, she wiped her cheeks, hugged her figure, and started walking home.

As though nothing had ever happened. 

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