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When Jimin saw Taehyung yesterday he was confused, shocked, sad, worried, but most importantly he was furious.

He called Yoongi and asked him to do a search, to check all neighboring camera's on Taehyung's block. He was going to find these fucker's and he was going to do that now.

When he got that twitter notification, from the person who beat Taehyung he immediately put together a case file, full of evidence.

Yoongi of course was right by his side making sure he didn't do something stupid. Like for 1. Going over to the bitches house and jump her like she did Taehyung. Cause that's exactly what Yoongi was gonna do earlier.

Jimin talked him out of it, but looking at the bruises on Taehyung's body, he might just let Yoongi go through with his idea.

It looks like they didn't really need the group chat because Jungkook and Taehyung have started to bond and sooner or later Hoseok will join that bond. Hopefully

"Yoongi, do you think this is enough?" Jimin was hesitant, what if it wasn't enough? What if all of this work went down the drain, money can influence a lot of people and Jimin can't afford to loose this case because of people like that.

"Jimin, if someone says this isn't enough, I'll just call someone who will make them see eye to eye." Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"Oh really? Who?" Yoongi shrugged, an amused smirked in his face.

"If it gets to that point, you will see for yourself." He chuckled. "Besides-" He cuddled Jimin into his chest, kissing his forehead lightly.

"We have T.Alien's (Taelien, V's Fandom name), Universal's (RM's Fandom name), Destroyers (Suga's Fandom name) and Kitten's (Jimin's Fandom name) on our side." 

Jimin smiled turning his body to curl more into Yoongi's chest, loving the attention he was receiving. He would do anything to stay like this forever. But much to his dismay Yoongi's work phone rang. 

"Hello?" While his boyfriend was on the phone Jimin started to use this chance to suck on Yoongi's neck.

The two have been dating for 3 months now, and have yet to do the deed. Aka sex. Yoongi tensed in his hold and his breath hitched. The sucking eventually turned into little kitten licks and nibbles.

And when Jimin started to grind on Yoongi, he only wearing laced panties and a silk night gown, was when Yoongi had enough. He took Jimin off his lap and ran to his boyfriends bathroom. He's been here so many times he could probably navigate this place in the dark.

Jimin smirked in triumph, and made himself  comfortable on his couch. Unlike Taehyung, Jimin had a very big house. It would be unlikely that could get in or out without him knowing.

When Yoongi got out the bathroom, he was wearing a pair of jeans and a tan hoodie. Jimin frowned because he knew Yoongi had to leave. And he was right, but before he did Jimin didn't forget to pepper his face with kisses. 

**Because the words don't show here is the last picture**

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**Because the words don't show here is the last picture**

**Because the words don't show here is the last picture**

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It was about 5 am when Jimin heard noises in his home. He went to bed and woke up around 3 am to start his work. Jimin doesn't allow anyone in his home unless it was one of his friends and in the day time. 


 Obviously, no one answered. Jimin just didn't want to make sure it was his brother. Due to Jimin's parents being very successful Lawyers, they rarely have time for their youngest son seeing as they have information to seek out or they weren't home to keep their son company. 

His brother Jihyun was turning 8 this year. The reason why Jihyun wasn't here earlier was because he was with his parents since they had a day off. Though he was young Jihyun was very mature for his age. He loved to scare Jimin in the middle of the night, because he's 'bored'. 

So if it wasn't Jihyun. Who the fuck is in his house? 

Jimin's eyes trailed all around his house. He heard a shift from behind him and turned around swiftly. 

His breathe quickened and he struggled to comprehend what was about to happen so he did what most people would do in this situation.

 He screamed. 

-I was not expecting that to be that long. Anyway, what happened to Jimin??

-Working on a new story and I think I'm in love with it, the first chapter will be out on July 1st, the book is called Minty Peaches, but the prologue is out now.  

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