Life-part of flow-you-are

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Flowers are important in making seeds.
Flowers can be made up of different parts,
but there are some parts that are basic equipment.
Flowers can have either all male parts, all female parts, or a combination.

Flower's is human-world.

Flower's is important in making seeds,
As a flower's arise male and female,
As a flower's propagate seeds as what children's are,
As a flower's build up love within flower-home,
Within flower-home by producing children you are creating a good texture by the inside-out and healthy texture.

Flower's can be made up different parts,
Within flower-home you create love,
Within flower-home you share love,
Within flower-home by good deeds, inside-out appears good,
Within flower-home you beautified the growth.

But there are some parts that are basic equipments,
Petals attract pollinators,
As in life we cometh it that kind of situation that even we have a partnee life we are also attracted someone else or we are searching a love that we never felt from your partner now,
Sepals help protect the developing bud,
We as a person we are made to help others as we help them to grow older or good as a person as what we did and what we really understand.

Flowers can have either all male parts, all female parts, or a combination,
Flowers with all male or all female parts are called imperfect,
As a human have bisexual relationship ye convergence to create an imperfect flower-home with beautiful life,
Flowers that have both male and female parts are called perfect,
As human you are perfect partner and create a healthy and good Life with your healthy kids.

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