4 - Old Rivals and Tea

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I knew from the moment that I first saw the two men that were in my TARDIS that they were both hiding something. Now I know it was their sexual preferences. The only objection I have to this is that now I'm left as the third wheel. Great.

I followed the two love birds out of the phone box. "Okay, fellas, let's start by saying that yes, this is actually the year 1886, and this isn't a stage set."

"What happened in 1886 in Scotland?" the shorter of the two asked. I hadn't bothered with learning either of their names yet.

"I'm not quite sure. Maybe we'll get lucky and something will come along and spice things up," I remarked. He looked at me with wide eyes and I laughed. I walked around them and picked up a newsletter off of a stand. I skimmed over it, looking for anything interesting, and found an ad for a tea shop. I turned around to face them.

"Let's start the day off by getting some tea, shall we?" I offered, and both men behind me nodded yes. I lead the way to the shop, as it was just down the road from where we landed, Rose Street.

It occurred to me as I was walking in the shop that it would be a good idea to learn their names so that I didn't refer to them as "shorter one" and "taller one" throughout this whole ordeal, so I asked them what their names were as we sat down at our booth.

"John," said the blonde man. After a moment, he added, "John Watson."

"And you, Mr. Cheekbones?" This earned a quick smile from John, but he remained silent.

"William Scott." There was a split-second of silence before his answer. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw John give him a curious look. I shrugged it off. "What about yourself, 'Doctor'? You must have a real name."

"It is my name, just Doctor. Nothing more, nothing less," I answered. William gave me a steely look. "What do you guys do for a living?" They both gave me guarded looks. "What? I want to know who I'll be working with."

"I am a consulting detective. I do not work with the police, I work on my own terms," William explained. "I point out obvious facts that they missed, because everyone that works for the police is a bloody idiot." I nodded slowly.

"And you, John?"

"I'm a doctor, and I was in the war in Afghanistan before being sent back because of an injury."

"That's nice," I said. "Well, it's not nice that you got an injury, but you two seem like fairly nice people." John smiled sincerely. This smile turned into an "o" shape as a huge crash resounded outside of the restaurant. Glass from the windows shattered and people started screaming. All three of us rose from our seats simultaneously, and we rushed ourselves out of the shop.

When we were out on the street once again, I saw a sight that I hadn't seen for quite some time. There was a dalek rolling down the street, screaming its bothersome one-word phrase and shooting at buildings and people along the way.

"What the bloody hell is that!?" John asked. He looked quite confused, and a bit pale. More people were being shot and more buildings were catching on fire as the three of us stood in the middle of the street, rooted to our spots.

"EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE ALL HUMANOID LIVES," was echoing down the street, becoming louder with every second that passed by. The dalek was now merely 50 feet away from us.

"Run! Run! Go, go go! Go to the TARDIS," I shouted at William and John. They grabbed each other's hand and raced down the street back to the TARDIS. John looked back after about 10 steps when he realized that I wasn't with them, and I threw a dismissive wave at them, mouthed the word "go", and he turned back around to focus on his footsteps when a shot whizzed past him. I faced the dalek, and it stopped in his tracks.

"YOU ARE THE DOC-TOR. YOU MUST BE EXTERMINATED," the dalek cried. "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" Its chants resounded even louder and more persistent as it moved towards me.

"STOP! You can not hurt me. You know that I, the Doctor, Time Lord of Gallifrey, am more powerful than you will ever be," I told the dalek. It remained silent for a moment, looking me up and down with its bright blue eye.


"I will not come back to your ship," I scoffed.


"Nope, they won't, and if William is as smart as I am, he is already back in the TARDIS with John."

"THEN I WILL EXTERMINATE YOU NOW. EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" The dalek raised its laser shooter at me, and I instinctively ducked under the shot. I took off running, and I pulled out the cellular device that I had pocketed from John before we took off in the TARDIS away from 2014. I pulled out my sonic screwdriver and used it to give the phone the ability to call. I was hidden in an alley, and I pulled up the first number on the list. I had a good guess that it was William's number. After five rings, the line picked up.

"Doctor," said an annoyed and slightly concerned baritone voice, "how the hell are we supposed to get into the TARDIS if we don't have a key!?"

"Just snap, the doors should open. Try it now," I told him. I heard a faint snap, and then the creak and slam of the door opening.

"Now hurry in, hurry in!" I told him. A shot was fired at the wall I was hiding behind, and I flinched farther into the alley.

"Doctor, what do I do now!?" he asked. It sounded more like a bark to me.

"Just wait there and clear your mind, I have an idea," I told him, and I heard something along the lines of "where is he?" in the background before I hung up. I couldn't risk him pulling the wrong lever due to a lack of description.

I shut my eyes behind the wall and I tried sending a mental image to William. I sent a picture of the controls and buttons needed to come to my location. Another shot was fired, and I heard the chants of "EXTERMINATE! EXTERMINATE!" coming closer. I hoped that the strange duo would find me soon.

Hello :) so Sherlock is gonna be referred to as William in 11's point of view from now on, just to avoid any confusion later. Will Sherlock get the image of the console? Will the Doctor be saved? Will Sherlock and John admit their gay love for each other?

I hope so ;)

Don't forget to vote and leave feedback, it means a lot to me :D


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