Chapter 10

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"They are leaving." I kept repeating these words out loud.

I think Char was starting to get worried. She kept rubbing my leg, and telling me it will be okay.

The boys walk in and I just keep repeating, "They are leaving..."

Char runs to Cam and jumps and hugs him. He picks her up and sits her on his lap. All the other boys come in and sit down on the beds.

Carter comes up to me and picks me up bridal style. "You're leaving today..." I say, water begins to swell in my eyes. Carter looks away from my face at the other boys. "Stop..." he whispers to me. "I hate seeing u cry."

"I'm sorry I just can't help it, ur leaving me and I just can't stay away from u this long." I say trying to hold in tears.
He looks at me and hugs me. He smells so good. (Is that creepy?😂)

"Look, I'm not going to ever leave u." He says with a smile.

He pulls out his phone and shows me texts with his mom.

Carter: Mom can I stay in Texas for my break.
Mommies: Who are you going to stay with?
Carter: This girl, her name is Catt. She's super nice and soon to be ur daughter in law.
Mommies: I guess... but Carter you know I need to meet her.
Carter: I know. I love u momma. Thanks😘. Bye .

I drop the phone and laugh, not even over the fact he's a mommas boy, but the fact he's staying.

"Did I tell u it was going to be okay?" Char says from Cameron's lap.
"Shut up dork." I laugh crying still. I put my hands over my face. I could feel my makeup running on to my hands.

Carter grabbed my wrist and uncovered my face, I winced trying not to show pain from his grip.

"What's wrong, baby?" Carter whispered. His breath against my neck sent chills down my back. "Nothing, I'm-I'm fine." I stutter out.

He let's go and looks down. He lifts my chin up with his hand, all the boys see my scars. Only Tay and Cam knew, they looked at each other and then at me. Carter looked at the boys, and then sat me down and walked out the door.

I laid on the bed curled in a ball. The Jacks come over to me, and I sit up with my head in my knees. Gilinsky picks up my wrist, I pull back a little, he places his lips on my wrist. Johnson then does the same, soon all the boys have came and kissed my wrist, all except Carter.

The one I loved the most, no I love the most. I can no longer deny it... I'm in love with Carter Reynolds.

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