Chapte 1 - Starting New

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{Hi There!This is my first boyxboy so if don't like it then don't tell but if you like it . VOTE/COMMENT. but other than that i hope you like and I could really use so help with the cast.}

By the way that is Alex... --------------------------------------------------------------->

^-^ SydneyMckenna

Ash -

"Are we there yet?" I’ve been badgering my mom all morning about if we were there or not.

"No! Now stop bothering me. Take a nap or something!" Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed didn't they! As we pass the sign that "Welcomes You to Long Beach” I can’t help but think about my new siblings. Are they nice, mean, rude, they could be like weird people or something!

"How old are they?" I asked looking out the window at the ocean. It amazes me that I’ve lived in California all my live and I still get mesmerized by the ocean. Its blue, my ex-boyfriend Colin used to tell me my eyes resembled the sea, but that before he was a douche.

Colin and I met my sophomore year in school to be honest I couldn't stand him. He was so cocky and full of himself that I didn’t want to have anything to do with him but one night I went to a party and he was there because it was his party but we started talking and found out we had a lot in common and after that he kind of grew on me and we started dating. After about 6 months we hit a rough patch Colin started hitting me and around the time we'd been together a year I went over to his house and found him with another guy I didn't say anything I simply walked out and never looked back.

My mother's voice pulled me back from my Memories.

"Well Alex is 17 and Alli is 15.” My mom always wanted a daughter but instead she got me her gay baby boy and she loves me!

I couldn't help but think if they knew about me though. Did Ethan know I was gay? Did his son?

"Oh, do they know?" I asked barely low enough for her to hear it but I knew she could.

“Ethan knows but I doubt he told his kids." I looked at her with the look of relief on my face.

"Oh, okay." I put my earbud on and started scrolling down to find what I wanted listen to and I came to it Issues-Princeton Ave.

Time flew by and by the time we pulled onto the street that would be our permanent residence I felt my shoulders tense. We pulled up to a gated house.

My mom pushed the red button to I guess call Ethan to tell him we were here.

"Ethan we're here!" My mom yells into the box. The gate instantly opens and we drive up the giant hill. To say my mouth dropped is an understatement. It was humungous and that is just from looking at the outside I can only imagine what it looks like on the inside. We circle the water fountain and see the door fly open and Ethan is standing with his daughter.

"You ready?" my mom asked

"As ready as I’ll ever be." I want my mom to be happy and I can see Ethan does. We open the car doors and step out. Ethan and Alli run toward us. Ethan grabs my mom into a much needed hug and passionate kiss. I on the other hand am being stared down my "new sister". I don't know why but I hope Ali likes me. After all I am her new brother.

"Ashton it's so nice to see you again!" Ethan says letting go of my mother.

“Call me Ash, Ethan. It's nice to see you to." I hate when people call me by my whole name. When people first hear my name the first thing out of their mouth is "Oh like Ashton Kutcher? “No not Ashton Kutcher! My Name Is Ashton as in Ashton Gage Lucas!

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