Chapter 4 - Happy Feelings

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Dragging Alex from store to store was the most fun ever his facial expressions were priceless especially when I would ask his opinion on everything I tried on. after about the fifth store I kept getting the same response from him ans it would be somewhere along the lines of..

" Yeah Nice, Great , Magnificent" throw in some sarcasim and the fact that he kept asking every 5 seconds if I was done or asking if I was hungry. I swear his ability to pay attention is horrible despite the fact that im still a little pissed at him for leading me on ... We won't go into that right now .

" What do you want to eat?" Alex asked.

" It doesn't matter to me as long as there's a cute cashier " I said winking and running ahead into the food court. Walking past fast food places there was just ugly boys everywhere gosh you would think the mall would be filled with cute boys ... NOT! As we keep walking Alex's name is being called from the other side of the food court. Turning around I see the sexiest guy well not as sexy as Alex of course but still Sexy!

" Adam dude where have you been man! It's been forever." Alex says to the guy Adam.

Adam notices me and look's me up and down , thinking of something clever to say I come up with something simple " I know I'm cute but can I please have my face back, thank you" I say as politely as possible.

Alex scuffs " Adam this is Ash my stepbrother , Ash this is Adam our neighbor here and at home and he's also a senior we play on the football team together." Alex informs me. 

" Yeah okay well I'm hungry so I'm going to get food while you socialize bye. Nice to meet you Adam..." I say as I drag the ending walking away quickly.

Deciding on Burger King I order a whopper and a larger fry because I have feeling Alex is going to try to steal a fry. Walking with my food over to the table where Alex and Adam are sitting I quickly get to eating .

"Do you think You can finish All of that ?" Alex ask is disbelief. I smirk as wide as I can " You must have faith in me oh "brother" of mine.' I say confidently. he shakes his head and grabs a fry and starts up a conversation with Adam.

" So yeah you should come out to the beach tonight we're having a late night surf and everything it will be so fun if you came and you could come to Ash." Adam said as I was eating.

" Really thanks." I said with a hint of sarcasm " I'll consider it !" I said.

" Well I'm up for it late night surfing, hey is your sister going to be there? What was her name again ...Marcie... No Marley..." Alex said as he thought of random M names.

"Maci, You mean ?" Adam corrected.

" Yeah she'll be there, Why? Do you still have a crush on My sister ?" Adam said as a smirk appeared on his face.

"No!"  Alex defended. "I just think she's pretty and has a hot body that could make a gay go straight." Alex said 

"Hey, I resent that ugh boobs and vagina's scare the shit out of me!"  I commented as I finshed my food. As the conversation ended and turned into miscellaeous conversation. I turned my attetion to the diffrent type of people in the food court but that activity got cut short as my mom, Etha and Ali came into view and started our way. " Hi, Honey did you get everything you needed?" my mother asked as she Ethan and Ali sat down.

"Yeah I got mostly everything I need. What about you?" I answered. As my mom begin passing me bags full of clothing. " Mom, I should have gone with you instead of mister I'm hungry evry five seconds over here. God it was like dealing with a child whose on the nipple.  No offense Alex." I pointed out.

" None taken." Alex commented as he turned back and continued an irrelevent conversation with Adam.

" Well we should be going it's getting late and it's been a long day." spoke Ethan. As we gathered up our thing and discarded miscellaneous item Adam said goodbye to Adam and I chatted with Ali as we walked out of the mall.

The ride on the way back home was quiet as everyone was winding down after the day we'd had . The sun was creating a pink, purple and blue cast as the night slowly took over and the sunn took it rest for the night. As we pulled into the driveway Alex woke Ali up who'd fallen asleep on the car ride home.

Walking into the house I climbed the stairs and bounded into the room that I would be sharing with Alex. Deciding It would be a good idea to go down to the beach and relax a little , I made my way dow the stairs of the house and ran down the hill to the beach although I knew there would be a party going on in about an hour I decided on spending as much time I could tonight using the relaxing peacefulness of the waves crashing along the shore. 

After An hour turned into two hours and two turned into teenagers partying and loud music I decided to make a run for it and make it to the house as quickly as possible so I wouldn't be caught if Alex was out here.

 Just a few more steps and I'll be in the house-" Ash... Ashy Poo where are you going you were supposed to be partying with me and Adam." Alex said in a drunkenly induced state.

" Alex your drunk come on let's get you into the hosue before you make a fool of yourself, and Ethan sees you or before you say something you'll regret." I insisted.

" Aww Ashy poo are you worrying about me, how sweet of you." Alex said as I tried to get him into the house without anyone knowing.Once I got him past our parents room and into ours, he was green in the face and looked like he needed to empty the contents of his stomach.

" Ashy Poo I don't feel so good I don't thin-" Alex was cut short as he words turned into vomit and I don't mean word vomit." Thank god we were in the bathroom and I'd made it to the toilet so he could use it. As he finished I could tell he was feeling better because his color was coming back and he didn't look so miserable. 

" Can you stand ?" I asked him. getting him some water from the faucet 

" Yeah, I'm good im just going to brush my teeth okay." he said weakly " Do you need any help?" I asked meekly. He shook his head no. " Okay well Im going to get you some aspirin I'll be right back." I said as I stood up and walked over to my suitcase. Grabbing the aspirin I walked back into the restroom to see Alex finishing up his business. He still looked weak but at least he wasn't throwing up. I gave him the aspirin and walked back into the room. Gathering the things I needed to take a shower I walked into the bathroom again as Alex was walking out. 

" I'm just going to take a quick shower. Why don't you just go lay down and go to sleep, yeah ?" I asked Alex.

 He nodded his head yes and walked into the room. I took a quick shower and went back into the room wrapping a towel around my waist,I noticed the room was dark and I heard the faint noise of snoring.Knowing Alex was asleep I dropped the towel and stepped into my undies and bounded over to the bed I crawled in and wrapped myself in the blankets.

As I drifted off to sleep I felt the bed shift and arms wrap themselves around me and I fell aslep with a smile on my face and a happy feeling rumbling in my tummy. And with that I let sleep take over hoping this feeling would never end. 

I know i haven't updated but now I have so you don't have to want to kill me. I know it wasn't much but it introduced a new character who you will see more of promise !! And I updated * does happy dance*  I did with a series of tablets, ipod, ipads and my iphone . yay new update coming soon Love you guys ! ^-^

 So im officially upset that this chapter hasn't gotten that many reads -_-

As of Aug.11 I would like to have at least 350 reads and 30 votes for the next update.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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