Chapter 3 - Family Vacation, Not!

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HELLLLO ! People of Wattpad. This is chapter 3 of "My Stepbrother ?" Leave comments and vote please ! I would LOVE some feedback on how you feel the story is going! I hate to do this but I have to have at least 10 comments and 10 votes for the next chapter Ive created a scedule and will be updating more often. 

 Chapter 3

Gonna take you to the floor and rip off your clothes.

We can leave the door unlocked, everybody knows.

That I'll make your body shake, you can scream all night.

It's a love, sex, riot, you're invited. 

Oh, here I am to get the party poppin'.

Six rounds of shots and now we're never stoppin'.

Just close your eyes and let your fantasy play.

Sex, drugs, and violence is my anthem.


Taking it up at the club, fuck everybody hard in Atlanta.

They can get violent, oh yeah, we'll call it a riot.

And then we don't need the sex and now everybody's excited.

The lyrics sang as I woke up ignoring the fact that Ash was what seemed to be comfortably cuddled up against me. I can't get close to him ... I can't . What happened last night was an act out of sympathy . It will never happen again and I will make sure of that. He is everything I hate yet I can't help but feel sorry for him his last boyfriends sounds like a fucking douche even worse than me . Despite the fact I don't really care for Ash it still makes me pity him. Never In my life have I ever pitied anyone but I guess you can say this kid is very slowly making his way into my heart and I hope he doesn't take that kiss the wrng way. 

Not bothering to wake Ash up I quickly made my way into the bathroom and did my daily duties. Stepping through into my closet attached to my bathroom I pulled out a fresh pair of khaki shorts and a random green tank . I completed my look with my new Vans i'd just bought. Putting th Finishing Touched on my bed hair I left the restrooom and found an unexpected suprise. Ash in his boxers changing into his clothes for the day. Taking note of his semi nakedness I took in his apperrance. Starting at his face I noticed he had snake bites and a nose stud which kinda looked hot on him which was really weird but continuing on down his chest and down to his torso I noticed he had a belly button pierecing which if it had been on any other male that shit woud have been fucking weird but it was kind of intising on him. On hip left hip there was a rather small anchor with a rope tied aroud it . On the other hip there was an equal sign . Huh ? Wonder what that means?

Not realiziing I was in the room he had his eyes closed and his music in his ears he turned around to where his back was facing me and I noticed a small infinity sign with two crosses in it ; it was had to see because his hair was in the way but it made him look even more Appealing to me... Meaning I needed to get out of that room ASAP ! Walking out of my room I decided I would go see if Alli was up which she prbably was, approaching her door I did our secret knock and went in seeing her runing around her room doing some last minute packing. 

"Hey Lexi!" Lexi was the nickname she'd come up with because she couldn't say Alexander of even Alex when she was younger so it just ened up sticking and now my sister was 15 and looking more like that bicth everyday. I would never take my hatred for my mother on Alli but what can you do when you're mom runs off and get married to her boss and then comes to find she's been fucing him for the past years ! Anyway I would never tell my dad how i really feel about Lauren but I can tell he makes he happy and i would just have to grin and bare it untilmy last year of high school was over and then t would be off to college and i wuld be out of here.

"Lexi!" Alli said snapping me out of my thoughts. "You okay there?" she asked amusement thick in her voice.

"Yes, I'm fine I just wanted to catch up and see if you were ready to leave." I said calmly 

"Yep as ready as I'll ever be," she replied.

"What do you think about Ash?" I mumble.

"What do you me-"  Alli was asking before My dad cut in." Ash, Alex, Alli ! Are you ready ?" my father asked from outside the door .

"Coming!"  I yelled hastily .

Walking out of alli's room I spotted Ash coming out of my room  wearing tight skinnies and a black sweatshirt .He brushed past me in an instant and continued down the stairs, running back to my room I threw a bunch of random shit in my bag then grabbed my board and was down the stairs with Alli following closely behind. 

As we all got in the car there was an awkward feeling between Ash and I, which i felt was kind of sort of nescessary pretaning to last nights events. My feelings for Ash are very much mixed because I have no clue what to do about this situation because I'm not GAY let me just tell you that. But i ca't help this sort of attraction to Ash with his piercings and tattoos.

Making our way through Airport crowd we boarded our plane, and Surprise, surprise guess who I have to sit with. Ding Ding you are Correct ... Ash. Well this should be an interesting Flight .


Turns out the Flight wasn't bad Ash didn't mumble a word to me or even look in my direction. As we all loaded into the awaiting car to take us to the beach house. Ash still hadn't said a word to me and it was starting to bother me. Fifteen horrid minutes later we pull up to the beach house, which in my opinion had not changed one bit . After mom left there was just basically Alli and I because dad was always working and really had no time which to be honest I kind of miss those days where I didn't have to talk to him or make small conversation. Now he just thinks everything is so peachy because of his new wife. 

Back to current issue I forget that this is only a 3 bedroom beach house meaning someone other than Dad is going to share a room and my room is OFF LIMITS! 

" So once we all get cleaned up, we will all go shopping then grab a bite to eat and head back." Dad said letting everyone in the front door.

"Daddy can we go please go to the water park pleaseeee!!" Alli asked with this annoying baby voice she gets when she wants something ... trust me it gets annoying!

" We'll see it depends what time we get back from the mall. But  if we don't go today we will go tomorrow." My dad explained to Alli calmly.

 As everyone was getting ready I snuck out and went to sit on the beach. I love the feeling of the sand between my feet , Its just so squishy.The sound of the waves are so soothing . Getting back up and dusting my self I went into the house and decided to grabb my sketch book , I think it was one of the random things I threw in my bag . Looking threw the bag and it's contents I found my sketch book and a few sketching pencils. Walking back outside I found a nice place to sit and started drawing the rolling waves and the many animals I saw in the surrounding area. FOrgetting how fun it was drawing I lost count of time and found myself caught up in the essence of the beach and its inhabitants.

"LEXI!! Time to leave!" Alli souded from the porch, Getting up I dusted myself of and head toward the house where I hid my sketch book. I ran to my room where surprise ,surprise I found Ash's looking around the room. Ignoring him I made my way around the room making sure I had my thing wallet, phone, headphones etc.  Running out the house with Ash trailing me I left the house and climbed into the awaiting car. 

Looking over at Ash he wasn't bothered with me and I colud tell he was deep iin thought. I haven't talked to him since last night so ... maybe ... NOOOOO I don't even think he want's to talk to me so maybe I should leave it for now. Putting my earphones in and turning my music up as high as it can go I listen to the sounds of "Th Sinner" by Memphis May Fire. 

( 15 minutes later)

 Pulling into the mall parking lot All of us unloaded out the car and made our way  into the mall looking to my left I noticed Alli dragging the parentals off to some unknown store and looking to my right I saw Ash staring at me wth the "should we follow" look. 

Okay maybe I forgot to mentionn Alli's addictiion to the mall ... SAVE ME !

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