Chapter 27: He's born!

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"You really don't have to! Carrying a baby is already tough on your body!"

Y/N smiled at the elderly lady that was struggling with some boxes, which she offered to help. A hand was placed on her shoulder, taking away the heavy box that was in her arms. Uzui smiled,

"Flamboyant. But, a pregnant lady like yourself shouldn't be doing vigorous activities."

"Yeah, yeah."

He placed the boxes where the old lady told him to, waving goodbye to her as they did the patrol together. Y/N's job was still to patrol but if there were any cases where she had to run, Uzui would do it. In her third trimester, she isn't going to mess up the baby's brains just because of some stupid teenagers that are causing ruckus. Haganezuka peered from behind a building, biting his shirt as he stared at his wife being all friendly with Uzui.

"I really appreciate your help, Uzui."

"No problem! But I'd like to be the godfather of this child."

He poked her bloated stomach and she pouted at him angrily. His loud laugh caught everyone's attention.

"HAHAHAHA~ Y/N as a pregnant lady is quite cute! You're unable to kick-AGH!"

Her left leg smashed into his waist, making him choke on some saliva. His body curled up on the floor, crying some fake tears when out of the sudden she collapsed on the floor holding onto her stomach.

"S-Shit! M-My water broke!"

Haganezuka rushed to the scene, quickly lifting his wife before running away to a safe place for her to deliver. Uzui summoned Shinobu as quickly as possible, frantic filling the air. Y/N laid on the bed, clenching harshly onto her husband's hand, digging into his flesh to draw out blood.


"B-Babe, breathe in, brea-AHH!"

She violently grabbed his hair pulling it back and forth, screaming into his ears.


The door slams open and Shinobu arrived panting. The sight of a violent Y/N was one that needs to be remembered. Easily 18 hours have passed, a loud cry from where Shinobu held the baby.

"Congratulations! It's a healthy boy!"

Haganezuka snatched the baby, cooing as he gave the child to Y/N and glared at Shinobu.

"Don't call my son an 'it'."

He indeed became a protective father.

"Hotaru, let's name him... Kou..."

The baby's eyes were bright like Y/N's and had Haganezuka's hair. He sucked on his thumb, staring at his mother's face. Shinobu reprimanded Haganezuka that Y/N needed some rest, which he was chased out for. As they were about to leave, the air turned scary.

"I'm not done."

He grabbed onto Uzui's shoulder, glaring at the male.

"We need to talk."

A few days later, she was discharged. Haganezuka's eyes were filled with love, the way he looked at his son was something that people could see even behind his mask. Somehow, Uzui and Haganezuka became best friends—quite unexpected taking into consideration that her husband wanted to kill Uzui for being too close to his wife. The village was in love with the newborn, how adorable the little creature was.

Don't call my son a creature!

Y/N laid on the rocking chair, Kou falling asleep in his mother's arms as his father stroked his soft hair.

"He's really cute... I want more."

"W-Wait! I just gave birth, are you mad?!"

"Hehe~ Madly in love with you~"

He pointed handguns at her as he jogged away to his working station, leaving her quite dumbfounded by Haganezuka's behavior. Was this caused by Uzui? Who knows? In the deep darkness of the night, while his wife and son slept soundly, he sat slouched down at one corner, mumbling words that seemed satanic. His fingers brushed against the paper, taking in the information on the sheets.

Thanks, Uzui.

[It started with a Month's worth of Dango] Haganezuka Hotaru x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now