(5) - Fire on Fire

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Request by EmoWolfy666

~Xander's POV~

The night was a perfect opportunity for my escape. With Phoenix asleep at this time, there's no way I could possibly fail. I snuck out quietly out of the room. Thankfully the guards were sleeping on the job so it was no problem passing them.

On the way down, I was shocked to see all the windows have been boarded up which got me wondering. How will I escape now? I began rummaging throughout the living room, the kitchen, just anything I could use to escape this hell hole.

Many minutes have past and the rooms were pretty much messed up full of open drawers and flipped up furniture. I leaned against the wall sitting while holding my knees up sobbing, "it's hopeless. I'm never getting out of here." Looking up, a shiny light sparked by the stove. I walked closer holding up what appeared to be a lighter. My face lit up making my way to the wooden planks. With the flick of a finger, the flames grew slowly. I blew the flames around hoping it would spread faster. Finally, it broke down exciting me to climb out to freedom. Coughing, I realized I needed to block its scent. Rushing to the living room, I grabbed a blanket swiping away the smoke outside.

From the looks of it, it seems it was clear enough for my grand escape. I stuck the lighter in my pocket and jumped out the window hopefully moving far, far away never returning giggling on and off. This went on for a bit until my heart sank at the sound of familiar howls.

~Phoenix's POV~

Yawning switching sides to sleep on, I couldn't help reach my arms out but I couldn't feel him. Opening myself up, I found out he was missing again yelling out to my guards in frustration. They came in knocked out of their heads. "WHERE IS HE!" "W-what, w-where is who?" They said half asleep. "XANDER YOU BUMHEADS!" Dropping down at me, their eyes became fully awake and realizing what was going on. "We'll scan the area sir, he couldn't have gone far." "WELL GET TO IT." "Y-yes Alpha!"

We went to the bottom floors as our mouths dropped at the sight of our trashed mansion. I glare at them with their arms behind their necks looking away. I sighed, "Fine, you stay here and clean this damn mess up while I find him." They nodded nervously and got to it. I stepped outside following his footprints sniffing his scent as it drew near.

~Xander's POV~

I hid behind a tree sneaking my head to the side seeing Phoenix following my path. "Shit!" I thought. Without thinking, I ran as fast as I could not looking back but I knew he saw me. His paws could be heard behind me but I didn't dare to think about it. In front of me, a broken down hut had come to my rescue. With enough energy left in the system, I booked it landing inside shutting the door and holding it down.

I could hear him chuckling from the other side, "Xander, Xander, Xander...Open this door, I promise if you do there will be punishment. I just want you by me at all times. Is that hard to ask." "GO AWAY!" I screamed. "Hmph, very well. Didn't say I warned you." It bloomed quiet calming me down. "Pho-PhoeNIX!" Interrupting me, he banged down the door over and I've. "YOU'RE GETTING OUT ONE WAY OR ANOTHER! I WILL TEAR THIS DOOR PIECE BY PIECE!" "STOP IT PLEASE! YOU'RE A PSYCHOPATH!" He ignored me and continued to thrust down the door. I cried losing my strength slowly. In the corner, I caught a glimpse of a tight space. However, if I go now, he'll just catch up to me and I'll be doomed. Quickly, I remembered my lighter on me. I took it out and burned down the door. Sniffing the door, Phoenix stepped back screaming, "What the hell do you think you're doing!" "Burning myself alive! I hate you! If you won't let me leave! I'll do it myself!"

Flames started to scatter throughout the shed making the door impossible to be breaking open. I smirked and made my way out through the crawl space pretending to scream in pain to make it sound real. By the time I made through I looked up to see Phoenix grinning picking me up hugging me tightly. "I'm so glad you can out safe! I was so scared for you!" "H-how!" I stuttered. "The Xander I know is smart enough to think of a tactic. It's a shame though, I will always be 3 steps ahead of you. Please don't ever leave like that again! I was so worried!" We stood like this in front of the blazing shed not moving crying out as loud as I can in desperate need of help. To a response, he stroked me with him whispering in my ears the words I will never forget, "Don't worry pup, wolfie loves you and wolfie promises to keep you safe. Wolfie swears on his life, he will make you his." He leans in closer, "You don't have a choice~"

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