Spacium Inane Levius Existiment Homines

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There was a surge in frivolous discussion in the observatory as mumbling and talking echoed throughout the observatory. He listened to tidbits of conversations. From those tidbits, he deducted that a probe was to be soon sent to investigate the objects.

"Hello! I'm here to discuss recent developments", said the director who looked up and then looked down at his paper.

"The first rumor is the probe that we are going to send to the recent objects in space that the two space telescopes have spotted.", exclaimed the director.

"Now that has not been confirmed by NASA. So don't be sad when NASA doesn't send those probes.", replied the director.

"The investigation of the objects will be continued and the viewing of the objects in their best light will take a week from now", reported the director who stepped down from the pedestal and then slowly walked up the stairs to the top of the observatory.

Discussion assumed control again and there was loud talking and some silence as some people considered what the future would hold and what they would see at the objects.

"Hey, Hey! ", said his friend who came up to him with his breakfast in his hand. He was rushing faster and faster toward him. Bump! His friend tripped against the crack that ran along the floor. The food flew everywhere and there was silence near the accident. The man helped pick up and throw away the food on the ground and sopped up the milk that had been spilled.

"What are you so excited about?", asked the man who was confused about why his friend had been walking so fast toward him. His friend had been jittery for the whole morning.

"I derived something from Amorgin's papers!", exclaimed his friend a bit too loudly. Quieting down, he dragged the man into a room where a fellow colleague was waiting with some papers and a chalkboard. They had scribbled the derived equations down and showed him their results. 

"This equation shows the shape of the universe. We derived the equation from various topological and cosmological constants", replied his friend who was showing him a simple equation for deriving the shape of the universe.

"Is that the shape of the universe? The actual shape of the universe?", said the man who was starting to get excited.

"Oh no, it's only theoretical. The model that we found proves that the shape of the universe is a finite, expanding, closed squashed spherical shape.", replied his friend.

"What?", asked the colleague.

"Sorry, I'll slow down. It's a finite and closed universe", his friend replied.

"That's pretty interesting, so the shape you derived was a squashed spherical shape right?", asked the man who was interested in the exact shape of the universe that was found in the model.

"Here I'll draw it out for you", replied his friend.

He slowly drew out a circle and then erased the top two parts and made a sharp downward pointing curve and a sharp upward pointing arrow.

"That's.... very similar to an ....", the man was getting intrigued.

a tinny KReeeeeee came into the room which escalated into a whining zZzZz.

"What was that-"

Suddenly the noise increased to a much a louder ZZzZzZzzzz the noise escalated into gargantuan proportions and then transitioned to fading in and out. His friend made a cringing face. The noise vibrated through the observatory.

The room went flying around. An empty cup on the ground bounced through the room like an ecstatic sugar-filled 7-year-old. His colleague flew under the table and he was thrown throughout the room. Then the long vibrating and swinging-like sound was followed by a  blaring larger eruption of noise. 

ThUmP!. . 

that shook the table and the various furniture that surrounded the room. His friend fell on the floor and stayed there as the ground continued to rumble. The whiteboard was shaking and the chalk had broken into multiple pieces. The bookshelves collapsed onto the floor and the roof shook releasing a few ceiling tiles.

The man jumped and ran out of the room to the entrance of the observatory. People were screaming and hiding under the observatories tables. A roof beam clipped his arm and he yelped.

He ran out of the observatory and stumbled onto the hill. The ground continued to rumble and he curled up into a ball. The hill shook him around and he slid down the hill. His shoes grabbed the ground and he pulled himself up the hill.

He looked down from the hill and saw cars piling up. Some trees had fallen on the road and blocked the way out of the city.

There was a crowd of people huddled in the middle of the city. Some people ran out of the observatory and bumped into him. The man could hear some screaming inside the observatory and ran inside. He saw that some of the roofs had broken off and blocked the doorway. The sound of sirens erupted from the city and he took a look down.

Firefighters and police were guiding people out of the city. The crowd had dispersed and the cars had been cleared.

The sound and various tremors soon died down. He saw the local authorities drive up to the hill and climb up the trail. After a few minutes, he saw them. Sound babbled out of the observatory and onto the hill. The local news played on the TV.

"I'm Julianna Perannis and there has been some breaking news. A similar tremor has occurred throughout the U.S. according to many federal agencies. It has been small, but the noise was quite large and was estimated to have on the measure of decibels close to the equivalence of the sound of multiple motorcycles."

"Some people have been calling these tremors a worldwide event, but that will be false until official ambassadors will send us confirmations."

Firefighters broke the windows and rushed people out of the building. Dazed and confused his friend walked over to him.

It was over as fast as it came.

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