Teen Sleepover

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Paul and Patryk finally are letting Edd, Matt, and Tom spend the right at my house. Tom didn't really want to at first but Edd convinced him. Now I'm in a rush to finish cleaning my room.

*knock knock*

"Tord your friends are here" I hear Patryk yell

"Ok" I yell back

I hear people walking up the stairs then my door opens. Edd, Matt, and of course Tom walk in and look around.

"Nice room Tord" Edd says while giving me a fist bump

"Oh thanks" I say forgetting they've never been here

"So what are we gonna do" Tom asks while putting his hands in his jacket pocket

"I don't know you guys just got here" I say while chuckling

~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~

Edd and Matt don't know but I brought a bottle of Smirnoff, Tord knows because I had to ask since it's his house. I was gonna have it all to myself but Tord said that if I bring it then I have to share with him.

"So guys we should play truth or dare" Edd says while bouncing up and down

"Why not" Tord says

"Ok Tom truth or dare" Matt says

"Dare because I ain't a Pussy" I say

Matt looks over at Edd and Wisper's in his ear. Edd makes a big smile and Wisper's something back. It's pretty clear they are plotting something.

"Ok Tom I dare you to switch sweatshirts with Tord" Matt says while laughing

I look over at Tord and I feel my face heat up. Why is my face turning red!? Me and Tord are both a little drunk so this will make everything jut so much more fun. I look over at the clock.

12:30 am

"How long do we have to switch for" I ask

"For the rest of the night" Edd says while trying not to die of laughter

I look over at Tord and he chucks his sweatshirt at me. I guess he didn't have a shirt on underneath. I pause before taking mine off and tossing it to him. I put his sweatshirt on and instantly feel my face get flushed.

*A few rounds later*

1:04 am

Tord decided that we shouldn't drink anymore just in case his parents find out. We still drank half of the bottle so we are a little drunk. We both have drank in the past before so we arnt heavily affected. It's clear though he's a little more sober. Edd asked about it but we just laughed. Also Edd was dared to sit in Matt's lap for the rest of the game.

"Ok Tord truth or dare" Edd says with a big smile

"Dare" Tord says while laying down

"I dare you and Tom to do 7 minutes in heaven" Edd says

Tord looks over at me and smirks.

"Ok fine"

He stands up and grabs my arm and pulls me into his closet . Edd and Matt shut the door. Me and Tord just sit down.

"So Jehovah how have you been today" Tord says while looking away

"Good before I came to your sleepover commie"

He then moves some and I realize he's sitting on my lap.

"Hey commie get off of me" I say pushing him

He somehow manages to stay put.

"Have you had your first kiss jehovah" he says getting his face closer to mine

I pause for a second before responding.

"I-I uh no" I say while getting my face close to his to for some reason

"Me neither" tord says before smashing his lips into mine

I don't know if it's because I'm kinda drunk or what but I just wanted this moment to last forever. We both pull away for air but quickly reconnect. This time us both wanting more. He turns his head and deepens the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and he starts kissing with his tongue.

He pulls away and starts going for my neck. I also feel his hands in my shirt. That's when we both hear a timer go off and the closet door flys open.

"Oh my god what are you guys doing" Edd says while freezing

I slowly turn my head to Edd and Tord answers.

"We are playing 7 minutes in heaven dumbo" Tord says while sitting up

"Maybe we should go to sleep" Edd says while turning around and Matt does the same

I look at Tord and we just laugh. We both get up and all of us change into different clothes to sleep in. I keep Tords hoodie on and he just sleeps with shorts. We ended up sharing his bed since Matt and Edd insisted it was the bed spot for us 'lovebirds'.

"Night guys" I say

"Night" Matt , Edd, and Tord say back

I turn to Tord and snuggle into his arms. This is a night I won't forget.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2020 ⏰

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