C H A P T E R 3 0

9 1 0

I leaned out the car standing upon slamming the door to my mums car shut

"Melanie Ellen! Don't do that or ill do the same to your car" mother spoke to me in a harsh tone

"Sorry?" I said it more of a question and she shook her head locking the car making a beep sound.

"We're is back!" I said once I stepped into the threshold with mum behind me closing the door.

After I said spoke all my friends ran into the hallway from the living room -I'm guessing they didn't move at all in the last hour- and bombarded me with many questions about what gender the baby is

"Please please my fans, Ill answer all the questions with a simple sentence but you all have to be quiet because I'm not repeating myself" I spoke shh'ing everyone with my finger on my lips

"So what is it?" Harper said while Dean had his head rested on her shoulder; Steph, Alex and Chloe standing right next to me with big eyes and the rest of the boys filled the gaps in between so we were basically in a circle with all attention on me

"Its a girl" my smile widened once I heard Steph and Harper squeal

"I knew it was going to be a girl!...Parker £15 please" steph said as she brought her hand out to collect the note from a-not-so happy faced Parker

"Oh my gosh you two made a bet on my baby?" I asked butting into their conversation which was happening right in front of me

"Uh-yeah, I knew I was going to be right so I wanted to prove to Mr I know everything that I was" Steph said, which I slowly nodded in reply, Steph always has to be right no matter what. And if she isn't..well ill leave it at that.

"Man I hate loosing to you" Parker sulked

"Stop being a baby Mr, fairs fair" Steph replied holding it up into the light just to make sure the money was real and not just some fake thing

"Mum I'm just going to get changed into something more comfy, can you tell them if they ask because I don't want to interrupt all these conversations" I whispered to my mum looking around where everyone was in,

she nodded and said sure before I 'waddled' up the stairs into my room. I then made it over to the wardrobe and picked out a baggy blue dip-dye top so it wouldn't cling to my body and a pair of legging which rested under my hips before exiting the bedroom

I could hear a bunch of whispering going on as I reached the bottom step and I tried to be sneaky and listen in as everyone moved back into the living area
but that failed miserably when my phone went off signalling I had a call off someone. All heads spun to my direction and their faces showed the same expression don't-say-a-word-about-the-conversation-we-just-had

I avoided eye contact from all of them for a moment to see who the caller was, it was Ashton's mum. I smiled before picking up

"Hey Mrs Irwin" I said into my mobile stopping on the stairs

"Hello soon-to-be mother of my first grandchild" she greeted after and I could hear the smile in her voice

"So whats up?"

"I heard that you went to find out what sex the baby was going to be and I would like to know the news hun if that's alright" I could hear Lauren groan in the background when Mrs Irwin said the word sex. Wonder why she's up because its like 11 in Australia as the time difference is 10 hours between?

"Haha yes its fine and I did indeed, we are having a baby girl" I giggled

"Awe yay congratulations! Its only a few months away now correct?"

"That is right, she will be born around March 20th" I gave Anne-Marie the date of the birth just in case she decided to fly up 

"Alright, I will make a note in the calendar. Got to go now darling its quite late here, so we will catch up soon" Anne said with a tiresome voice

"Yeah course, night" I smiled after we bid our fair wells, hanging up the phone and putting it away

I strolled over as the pairs of eyes were still facing me and my every move
"Sooo what where you all talking about?" I questioned while I plonked down on the sofa next to Chloe


"Its a secret"

"Not important"

"Your new-" Alex was about to finish her sentence of what everyone was speaking out before I came down, until all the boys piled on top of her telling her to 'shut up' and 'don't say anything' I literally thought she was going to die,

The boys aren't as small and lankey as they used to, I wouldn't say they were built but you could tell they all worked out and all that weight combined on top of poor little Alex... I didn't think it would go down well

"C'mon guys, pleasee! You know I hate being in the dark and now I know its about me thanks to someone, I'm never going to give up until I find out! I hate secrets and you know it" I signed frustrated as everyone glared at Alex when I said it was about me

"Nothing, it doesn't matter now" Chloe shrugged her shoulders before changing the subject "so how about this weather today?"

"Oh yeah no clouds at all" great subject changer guys..

"Guys are you even listening?" I said to no one in particular

"Yeah I know because its only January today is quite warm which is unusual for British weather"

"Unbelievable" I mumbled crossing my arms over my stomach looking downwards,
nobody would look at my pleading eyes to answer the questions circling in my head. Why would they even talk about me? Was it bad? Or good? what's Alex mean by new? Did I do something embarrassing? Oh god hope not

I can't even call Ashton and the boys to see if they know what this is about or to have someone listen but no yet again time difference gets in the way.


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