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Right now, I'm sat in my room with my mother helping me by addressing my outfit for the big family rendezvous. With a huge mirror in front of me reflecting myself in a black suit, I turned to my mom who is looking at me in approval, "oh you look so handsome," she compliments. Blushing, I thank her as I look back to feel my hair. She helped me style and brush it. She walks over to one of my opened luggage bags sat on the bed and digs through my items, pulling out my perfume bottle and adding a little bit on my chest. With my mother's hands dusting away my shoulders and adjusting my bow tie, she gives me a smile, "I think we're ready to go," she says. Following her out to the corridors, we met up with my Dad who wore somewhat of the same looking attire as I do, and my Grandparents who are sat on the sofa waiting with elegant clothes. We all give each other a satisfied look before heading out to find a cab to take us to our point b location.


Once we have approached a decorated park, my mother paid for the ride and we all get off. From what I can see, it also kinda looked pretty fun. There were already people around doing numerous activities. Some were having conversations with one another, the children were running around with laughter, others have already indulged themselves with snacks. We walk closer and a few relatives greet us. I held up a good attitude to everyone who came up to me. To be real, some of these faces may seem somewhat recognizable from a few years back but it's just sort of a blur.


After a while, I took the moment to sit down on one of the rows of chairs by myself. Without anything to do, I was just observing my surroundings. There are actually quite a lot of kids around ranging from young ones to teens; although, I'm not exactly familiar with any of them. Most are interacting with one another while I'm just here doing nothing. I released a small sigh as I stare at my phone. I have no way of contacting the others back in America since there isn't any available wifi connection. "Hallo! Guten abend," I hear a voice. I turn to see a girl beside smiling at me, "Wie Geht es Ihnen?" She says. All I did was tilt my head and shuffle awkwardly in my seat. She raises a brow questionably, "do you not understand German?" She asks.

Opening my mouth, I respond, "yeah... I don't know much German actually, sorry," I apologized.

She seems to have noticed my accent, her eyes roaming around my facial features, "oh, do you live in a different country?" She says.

I smiled as I scratch the back of my neck, "yeah, I live in America since I was five. I usually come here during vacation," I explained.

Taking the seat next to me, she looks intrigued, "that's so cool!" She grins. Looking back at her, she seems really nice. I kept on with the talk and she did as well. Soon, we then got to know more about the other: about how distant we are as cousins, our side of the families, what we do and stuff, etc.

We parted for a moment since it was time to have lunch. A long table filled with sorts of food looked very delightful. I had a plate with me ready to serve myself and I got some bread, sausages, and stuffed potatoes with a bit of cheese. It seems to be a common trend of what we've got here. Returning to my seat where Emma, who's the name I learned through our talk, was waiting. "How are you enjoying so far?" She asks, taking a bit out of her salad.

"I really like it, this is... Spaß," I smiled.


After eating, they held a bunch of interactive games to entertain both the children and adults. Emma suggested that we should join in and play. There were dancing games, one that involves passing a pretzel, and lots were beer was included which I chickened out off, but other than that, I had an amazing time.

"Bye Noah, it was nice meeting you!" Emma says as my family begins to leave.

"You too Emma! We should talk again sometime online!" I said to her as I walk along with my parents and Grandparents.

"Did you have fun?" My mother asked. I nodded and beamed happily.


Getting back home, I was a bit tired and ready for bed. But before that, I made sure to get prepared and washed myself up in the bathroom and got dressed in my pajamas.

After I was done, I plummeted myself to the cushions of my bed and hugged my pillows. Curious, I decided to check on the others. I messaged Brad. Waiting for a reply, none really showed up. Then Annabel, none from her either. Shrugging it off, I decided to go for Kate next, "Hi Kate, how are ya doing?" I asked. Later, her profile icon appears on my screen. Out of nowhere, my phone starts ringing which startles me a little bit. Staring at it, I accepted it. "Why call?" I said.

"Noah, I don't know what happened but..." her voice seemed a bit distressed for some reason.

"Hmm? What's wrong?"

"I really don't know what happened at Liam's party..."

"...Brad and Annabel were alone together and suddenly Brad stormed out of the house looking both pissed and in tears. We found Annabel crying later in the backyard..."

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