Chapter 1

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Carly's P.O.V.

Ahh... HIs dreamy blue eyes. His Zac Efron hair. All of it is a dream. Not today it is.

I'm going on a date with Josh Kasner. I'm going on a date with Josh Kasner. That is all that flows through my blood, and that is all that runs through my mind. I'm going on a date with Josh Kasner.

He is adorable, weird, and jocky. Just mah type.

I slowly and carefully hand - combed my blond hair into a pretty form over my shoulders. I smoothed out my deep blue dress and stood up from my awkward position on my bed.

I made my way out of my room and twirled around, giggling at my cute waves forming in my knees - high dress.

"Carly, sweetie?" My mother, Carie, asked in her British accent.

"Yes?" I straightened my dress straps and sighed, I was anxious for Josh to get here.

"Could you go check and see what your father is doing downstairs? I've got an awful lot of things to do and-" I interrupted her.

"Mother, it's fine. I'll go ask him." Just then the doorbell rang, and the butterflies in my stomach fluttered around even more.

"I'll do it. You go have fun, sweetie." Mom guided me down the stairs and to the front door. I put on my cutest smile and opened it.

"Hi Josh," I could feel my cheeks starts to burn up and turn red like a ripe tomato.

"Hi Carly. Should we go?" OMG!! Josh is actually talking to me!!!!

My family adopted me when my birth mother died, fourteen years ago. We live in London, England. My mother told me that my birth parents lived in New York until the mom died from breast cancer. Then, my birth father put me up for adoption because he thought I reminded him of my mom. Whatever.

"Uh...sure!" I agreed. Mother waved to me and I nodded in reply. We stepped out the front door and to Josh's black Mustang. I silently giggled and hoped the night would go well.

We were going to a party, hosted by one of Josh's jock friends. I think his name is Austin, and he is also very handsome. Josh is captain of our school's football team, the Tigers. His previous girlfriend, Shelby Hanson, got dumped two weeks ago, but now he was mine. I smiled at the thought.

"So how's your day?" Josh started his Mustang and began charming me with his shiny smile.

"Great. Yours?" I asked, shaking nervously. Josh put his right hand on my shoulder and I immediately stopped shaking. I smiled at him.

"Better, now that you're here." My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I hope the party doesn't have alcohol. Mother would ground me if she found out. If there was, I wouldn't drink any. I've tried wine and beer before, not really my taste.

"Aw..." I tried not to blush, but I couldn't help it, "Thanks," Josh pulled out of the driveway.

We were both silent the rest of the way, and I kept thinking about my little brother, Parker. He always has his nose in something he shouldn't have it in, and Mother always scolds him and says, 'Mind your own ears, Parker. You shouldn't eavesdrop. It's not very nice.'

Josh greeted me to some of his friends (Isaac, Benjamin, Carter, and Dillon) and I almost started to flirt with Benjamin, but then I remember that I was incredibly lucky to have Josh, not one of his friends, or a geeky dude.

"Do they have beer or wine?" I asked Josh. One of his other friends greeted him with a nice slap on the back and a high five. I sat down on a bar stool next to a counter.

"Just a sec, Dan. Gotta go get my girl a drink." Immediately loud alarms rang inside my head. There's ALCOHOL here?!?! I have to get out of here!!! Mom would kill me if she found out!!

"Um. . .Dan?" I asked the brown-skinned boy who I thought was Dan. The boy looked at me and said,


"Could you take my drink for me? Like. . .drink it for me?" I glanced around at the popular people staring at me and Dan, and it just felt so awkward, denying a drink.

"No, no, no. Of course not! I would never do that to Josh's finest girl." He leaned towards me, and I could smell his beer-ridden breath, "Ya know, I think he will probably propose to you if you guys stick together and don't mess anything up." My braid struggled to transfer what Dan said, but right then Josh returned with a gold fizzy drink; beer.

"Here ya go, babe." Josh handed me the mug, and I set it on the counter top next to me. Josh sat down on a bar stool across from me, and suddenly I felt sick. I couldn't do this. I was only 16. But then again. . .I did need to have some fun for once. Why not tonight, with Josh? My stomach settled down, but I could still sense a small feeling of unsureness.

"So what should we do tonight?" Josh asked. I looked at the clock above the refridgerator -remember, this is someone's house- it was only 8:12. I had about four hours till my curfew, unless I wanted to get in  even bigger trouble that I would probably be about to.

"Dance? Go to a movie?" I suggested. I've been wanting to see this horror movie, called The Scream. I saw the commercials for it and decided that I would see it sometime.

"Nah. I was thinking something more fun. . ." He trailed off, thinking. He took a sip of the beer that he got for himself.

"Like. . .?" I tried to pry information from him, but he stayed silent for about ten seconds. Probably a record for him. I could hear the booming music pound in my eardrums, almost making me deaf.

"Maybe. . .seven minutes in heaven?" Josh's eyes were pleading me to say yes, almost begging. His bright blue iris played with my mind, and after a minute or two, I agreed.

Dan winked at me, and I smiled at him. He cheered and everyone else joined in. Josh stood up and I slid off the bar stool, and he took my hand. I looked at him, he grinned at me. A bunch of popular girls and guys were now cheering me on, as if I was never a wanna-be.

Dan guided us -Josh and I- upstairs, and I made sure I didn't trip over anyone's feet, since people were crowding around us on the stairs screaming and shouting.

"Now, now." Dan yelled after we reached a guest room's closet.  "Let's let them alone till their seven minutes are up!" Everyone cheered and then slowly made their way out of the room. Everybody left except me, Josh, and Dan. "Ya guys ready?" Dan asked us. I glanced at Josh nervously, he shrugged at me.

"Sure." I said. Dan gave me a thumbs-up sign and opened the closet door. I climbed in, and Josh came in after me.

I started to shake. I wasn't sure. I couldn't. I can't. Help.

"I-I-I. . .I'm not sure I can do this, Josh. . ." I started to feel wet, salty tears flow down my cheeks, and Dan closed the closet door.

"Your time starts. . .Now!" I heard the door slam shut, and Dan yelled to the others, "The love has begun!" and then laughed.

The closet was now pitch black, like midnight. I wiped the remaining tears from my puffy cheeks and felt a hand grasp my face. I let my hands drop to my legs, and cherished Josh's soft hands cradling my face. I felt a slow pull to Josh, and I leaned in.

The kiss was beautiful. Josh had the smoothest lips I had ever felt, and he didn't even rush me. I felt like fireworks were exploding inside me, like popcorn trying to bust out of its bag.

After what seemed like a few minutes, Josh pulled away. He reached his arm around me and squeezed me, like I really was in heaven. I heard a voice, probably Dan's, that shouted, "Two more minutes, lovebirds!!" Then it was silent.

Josh leaned in close, so close that I could hear him breathing and his heart beating.

"I love you," He whispered.


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