blinding light beams through the window pane of tsukishimas room, urging the boys to rise out of their slumbers. after a restless night of overwhelming thoughts, both boys wake up somewhat groggy and sleep deprived. its saturday morning. tadashi sits up, rubbing tiredness from his eyes, and kei follows a few minutes after. they sit for a while, trying to adjust to the aggressive sunlight. glancing towards each other and smiling softly, they get up out of the warm covers to be met with a cold, hardwood floor. meanwhile walking to the kitchen together, in search for something to eat. once they've satisfied their appetites, they get into normal clothes, comb out their hair, brush their teeth, everyday routine.
yamaguchi still can't get last night out of his thoughts, he wonders if he dreamt it all. everything felt so... clouded; all too good to be true...
"tadashi!" kei shouts.
he finally snaps back to reality. it seemed he was frozen in place while his mind had rambled on.
"are you ok? you just paused in the middle of brushing your teeth," tsukishima said monotone, but the worry in his eyes showed genuine concern.
yamaguchi just nodded and went on like normal. these thoughts are getting so overwhelming; he can't even go into autopilot during his internal worrying.
they meet back in tsukishima's room once more, throwing out ideas as they try to find something to do with their newly found free-time.
"hmm we could go to the park again? or maybe just walk around the shopping center?" yamaguchi suggests.
kei is just scrolling through his phone while he listens to tadashi, when suddenly his eyes widen with excitement.
"lets visit the museum!" —the enthusiasm beaming off of his face— "tickets are on sale today and they have a new aquarium exhibit! and... you know... dinosuars" his face slightly embarrassed.
yamaguchi laughed and replied in a agreement with a smile. after getting everything ready to leave the house for the day, they set off to the newly anticipated museum. they both took the bus, since the museum was much too far for walking. tsukishima paid for both their tickets— despite yamaguchis protests— and they sat towards the back.
a short 20 minute drive into the city later and they've arrived to the awaited destination. the building was magnificent, with marble stairs leading to the main entrance, and beautifully crafted sculptures and statues on either side of the glossy staircase.
"wow, this museum is huge tsukki!" yamaguchi exclaimed, his eyes shining bright with excitement.
he nodded and smiled at him in response 'you're so adorable, i hope everything goes to plan...' he thought as his anxiety crept into him.
they get to the ticket booth, yamaguchi insists he pay for them, since kei paid for the bus tickets. they finally step inside, their steps echoing through the massive main hall. of course the first exhibit they approach is the fossils and dinosuars. they gaze in awe at all of the skeletal arrangements, while tsukishima names every dinosuar before they even see the information panel.
"you're so adorable when you're excited," tadashi accidentally slips out, speaking out loud instead of in his head. his eyes widen in immediate shock after realizing what he'd said.
"what was that, yama?" kei asks, thankfully, not paying attention.
"n-nothing!" he stutters "i just was saying we should go to the aquarium!" quickly changing the subject.
he smiles, "ok let's go then," as he waves toward the next room.
the space around them goes dark and the space is illumated by the light shining through the water of tanks filled with tropical fish and other animals from the depths of the sea.

tsukishima x yamaguchi | clouded kisses ☁️☆
Fanfictioni hope you enjoy! please vote on the chapters it makes me really happy :') and let's me know what you're enjoying so i can know what and what not to use in the future disclaimer! i don't own haikyuu!! or any of its characters. this is purely just f...