"M' sorry" Cg!Nightmare and Little!Error

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Ship: Errormare outside of regression

Summary: While talking with Nightmare, Error starts regressing but tries to repress it but it shows more than it should. Also, Blue is the only one who knows of Error's regression and knows how to help.

Warnings: anxious Error, but that's it

"You okay Error?" Nightmare asked and Error nodded, ignoring the feeling. The feeling that meant his dark, glitched voice would turn into high pitched baby talk and his dark, deep laughter would turn into giggles "are you sure? You seem to seem anxious" Nightmare pointed out "yEaH m' fInE" Error mumbled but then pouted when he realized his voice was higher than normal "are you sure? Your voice is higher than normal" Nightmare pointed out "I thiNk m' gOnNa go" Error said, letting his high pitch, child like voice take over, it was adorable to Nightmare but he was concerned about his lover, "Ruru, please tell me what is going on" Nightmare pleaded, then Blue walked in, noticing Nightmare's worried face and Error's pouting, Blue decided to go and talk to Error.

"Hi bud" Blue greeted with a soft tone "hI bLuEy" Error greeted and Blue noticed the nickname "are you on your little space?" Blue asked, putting a hand on Error's shoulder, making him flinch "ah, sorry, I forgot you were haphephobic" Blue said "iT otAy" Error mumbled "now, do you want me to tell Night?" Blue asked "m' noT suRe iF wE shoUld" Error mumbled and Blue smiled softly "we have to tell him Ruru, so he can know how to help. Plus, if he doesn't agree with your coping skill, I'll beat him up" Blue assured and Error nodded with a giggle "m'kay" Error said and Blue looked at Nightmare, his face serious "what is it?" Nightmare asked, clearly worried about his lover "he, well, I don't really know how to explain this, but his a little" Blue said and Nightmare looked at him, confusion littered on his face, "a little what?" Nightmare questioned and Blue chuckeled while Error giggled. "No, a little is, well, I'm not really the best suited on explaining this but being a little is a part of a coping mechanism called age regression. If you're going to ask what age regression is, age regression is the act of regressing to a younger state of mind than you physically are. Many people do it as a form of self-soothing and general relaxation, but people do it for different reasons, and in Error's case, to cope with his anxiety and stress" Blue explained "BlueY! I diDn' saY yoU cAn saYs evEryThin'!" Error whined and Blue chuckeled "sorry love, but you said to tell him" Blue said, patting Error's head. Nightmare smiled at the interaction, but the smile then turned into a frown when he processed everything "Ruru, can you come here please?" Nightmare asked and Error came over hesitantly and took a seat next to him "a-arE yoUs maD At Me?" Error asked, looking up at Nightmare and he shook his head "mad? Of course not love, I just need to know something" Nightmare said "wHat IsH iT?" Error asked and Nightmare chuckled at his boyfriend's incorrect pronunciation of 'is', " why were you anxious around me?" Nightmare questioned and Error looked down "I-iT alMosT o-oUr a-An-niVer-sarRy aNd whEn i WaS bIg i dIdn' gEt yoU A gIfT. A-aN iNky isH maKing moRe aUsh mOre tHaN usSual, m'soRry" Error explained, looking down, tears on his eyes "aw, love, you being here is already a gift for me, and we can always helps you eith Inky" Nightmare said and Error looked up at him, his eyes puffy and red, but definitely happier "wr-wreAlY?" Error asked and Nightmare smiled at his boyfriend's adorableness "of course hun, now how about we watch Undernovela, hm?" Nightmare asked and Error jumped up "UndErnOveLa! UnDerNovEla!" He chanted "now, now baby, we still need to get your little gear" Blue said and Error stopped chanting "little gear?" Nightmare asked and Error and Blue nodded "stuffies n' sippy n stuffs" Error said "and then we watch Undernovela" Blue said and Error chanted again "what can I do to help?" Nightmare asked "you can help Ruru get his little gear, but wait..." Blue paused "Ru" Blue called out to Error and Error stopped chanting, walking over to Blue "wHaT iSh It BlUeY?" Error asked "do you want me to tell the others?" Blue asked and Error nodded shyly "thank you, love" Blue thanked the little one and then looked at Nightmare "Night,can you call the others here please?" Blue asked "sure Blue" Nightmare said.

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