"m' not sleepy!" Little! Error, Cg! Nightmare

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Ship: still Errormare

Summary: this is over a month after the first one shot and it's bed time for Error but he refuses to sleep.

Warnings: only a bit of naughty Error, but other than that nothing else

"Come on love, you need to sleep" Nightmare said and the boy shook his head "nO, I dUn wAnNa slEeP!" They were positioned in Error's bed, Nightmare on his bed side, trying desperately to make him sleep "why don't you wanna sleep?" Nightmare asked "m' nOt sWeEpy" Error said "what can we do to make you sleep then?" Nightmare asked "noThinG!" Error said with a victorious smile while Nightmare just sighed "how about a bath?" Nightmare asked and Error looked at him "a bAtH?" Error asked and Nightmare nodded "a bath, we can even use that shampoo that you like" Nightmare said and Error's mismatched eyes sparkled "m'kAy!" Error said, jumping up and running to the bathroom "hey! Wait!" Nightmare called to the boy, running after him.

"YaY! We're hErE! C'mOn pApA!" Error called to Nightmare while entering the bathroom, Nightmare close behind "okay, okay, just wait" Nightmare said, walking to the boy and turning on the shower, after the tub was full Nightmare called the boy.

"Ruru, come on, the water is warm" Nightmare said and the boy went in and played with the bubbles "good, now c'mon, let's wash your hair" Nightmare said, grabbing a strawberry scented shampoo and splashing a little on his hair which made the boy giggle "you really are such a cutie" Nightmare complimented while washing his hair "t'aNk yOu!" Error said and Nightmare tilt his head to the side "thank you for what, Ruru?" Nightmare asked "foR ca'InG mE CuTe!" Error said with a smile "aw, Ruru, no need to thank me. I'm only telling you the truth" Nightmare said, getting the scrubber and scrubbing Error's back, "almost done, do you want to put some cream on your face when you get out?" Nightmare asked, splashing him with water, Error nodded.

~a few minutes later~

"Okay, you're done, come out of the tub" Nightmare said "buT pApA! I duN wAnNa gEt oUt!" Error whined "come on, please, unless you don't want your face cream" Nightmare said and Error instantly got up "nO! I isH out! I iSh ouT!" Error exlaimed and Nightmare chuckled "good, now c'mon, let's put the face cream on your face" Nightmare said, taking out the face cream and motioning Error, who was wrapped in a towel, to come to him and the boy did.

~after putting the face cream~

"Okay, you're once again done, let's go and put on your pjs" Nightmare said and Error pouted "buT i duN wanNa gO To slEeP" Error mumbled and Nightmare looked down at him and put his hand on Error's shoulder making the other instinctively flinch but relax a moment later "Ruru, I know you don't want go to sleep, but you need to. You've been destroying a lot and Inky's been more agressive as of late, you need rest" Nightmare said and Error nodded sadly "how 'bout we read you a story, hm?" Nightmare asked and Error shook his head "duN wan' stOriEs, wan' coLoR" Error said and Nightmare nodded "okay, how 'bout after you change and brush your teeth you can color while listening to calm music hm?" Nightmare asked and Error nodded "m'kAy!" Error said, taking a hold of Nightmare's hand and dragging him to his closet where he took out Error's galaxy themed pjs "go to the bathroom and change please, and then go and brush your teeth" Nightmare said and Error nodded, walking to the bathroom and closing the door.

~a few minutes later~

"I'm dOnE!" Error exlaimed, walking out of the bathroom "very good! Now c'mon and color as you did want to do that" Nightmare said, clapping his hands, Error nodded excitedly while walking to his bed "coLoR! ColoR!" Error chanted, jumping onto his bed and taking out his crayons and coloring book and his headphones, then he put on the headphones and started coloring.

~a little while later~

Error yawned and Nightmare looked up from his phone "already sleepy, eh?" Nightmare asked, putting down his phone and going over to Error "m' stIlL noT SweEpy pApA! FiVe moRe miNutEs pwEasE!" Error whined and Nightmare shook his head "sorry love, but you need to sleep now" Nightmare said and Error pouted a little but nodded "okAy pApA" he said and Nightmare felt a bit of sympathy "how about I climb in and sing you a lullaby?" Nightmare asked and Error nodded, grabbing his stuff octopus sleepily and hugging it "okay" Nightmare climbs in the bed and starts singing him a lullaby

"You are my sunshine~"
"My only sunshine~"
"You make me happy~"
"When the skies are gray~"
"You'll never know dear~"
"How much I love you~"
"Please don't take my sunshine away~"

Error starts to drift as Nightmare continues to sing the songs until, finally, the boy is asleep.

"Goodnight my little sunshine" Nightmare planted a kiss on Error's forehead and started drifting as well.

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