Chapter 3

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Okay that definitely wasn't part of the surprise. Me and amber sat in the car quietly and I just had to break the silence.
   She cut me off before I could even finish what I was saying.
      "Don't even start now clee"
      "Ambes am sorry I shouldn't have defended him"
      "Am not upset with you its just that he hurt you and I can't stand him anymore and he should get it into his thick skull"
    You know apart from Dawson I still have had a lot of breakups but it made me stronger like Matt and Nicholas even kelvin but I always told Amber that I left them cos of this and that and if she knew she would kill me and most importantly kill them.
     "I know ambes and don't worry I won't be talking to him"
      "Umm...clee you said how  you were looking for a job"
    "Yeah what happened"
    "My office is hiring and I think you should apply."
     "Oh really what spot is available so I can apply tomorrow"
      "The post of my bosses secretary is available"
      "What boss? Oh no no no please tell me its not Jace Bryant.The James Bryant. Um I think I would just pass the offer ok"
Imagine me working for Mr Bryant you wish its never happening.
    "Look clee for once in my life I have no other motive behind this job offer ok and besides wouldn't you like to follow me to and back from office please just apply for the job pleaseeeee."
    "Ok fine I will apply because you make sense for once in your life."
    "Ouch!that hurts clee I have said something reasonable other than this ok."
      "Whatever you say ambes." I roll my eyes sarcastically. I pulled onto ambes house and told her I would see her. Oh no! I don't have any clothing's that would size me if I go drop the application tomorrow and I don't want to look like a mess and embarrass myself before getting rejected so I drive to the mall I got into the clothing sections and picked some straight black skirts some suits and trousers that I could wear to the office that was when I saw this jumpsuit that had the off the shoulders hand and exposed a lot of cleavage but would still look professional and I decided to buy it and then my day could not just get worst I bumped into him.
      "Hey! Watch....oh my gosh Cleopatra so nice to see you and nay I say you look amazing."
      "Howard so nice to see you too and please its Cleo ok thanks."
And I stormed off but something held my wrist more like someone.
        "Look Cleo I know we had misunderstandings in the past and I know you took it irrationally...."
   Excuse him I took it irrationally the nerve of this guy.
     "Well sorry about that but I don't know how you expected me to take my boyfriend oh scratch that my husband-to-be fucking my friend and not only once but every weekend so please just drop it ok"
      "Ok i  guess at some point I was wrong but come on calling off the wedding that was a little over the top don't you think."
      "Well what did you expect me to do I wasn't about to marry a cheating bastard who could fuck his own mother"
      "Oh like you are so innocent and pure hello I was also about to marry a woman some random guy raped."
And I slapped him but some one beat me to it and when I turned I knew he was familiar but I just couldn't figure out where I knew him.
     "What kind of a guy are you if someone did that to your sister would you be happy if her  husband to be left her to go fuck her friend huh? No right so stop it"
His voice sounded so deep and sexy and gosh I didn't even realize when I started crying. And he turned me to him and wiped my face.
      "Its ok don't let men like that get to you."and he walked away and i quickly left to pay and ran out of the mall.
I got home and showered and got to bed oh what a day and to think I was just about to start my life who would I be running into next Matt oh I wouldn't be able to stop myself before I knew it I was already fast asleep.

Hey guys I know this chapter is kinda long and all but I just thought I should write it sorry the update is coming late but I hope you still enjoy it. Oh and please don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks love y'all 💋😘😘

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