Chapter 2: The Enemy Comes

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Day (1)

"Warning. Warning. Warning. Incoming virus spores detected approaching LC676 Alveolus." A robotic voice announced amidst the screeching blares of the Klaxons. "Repeat. Incoming virus spores detected approaching LC676 Alveolus."

The words of the bacteria came back to U-1196 as loud as the wails of the sirens. She felt her mitochondrion sank at the thought that what the Streptococcus Pneumoniae might be right. This could indeed be the start of a devastating plague.

"That's... That's where we are going," the glasses-wearing erythrocyte sounded aghast. "We are supposed to exchange our carbon dioxide on that Alveolus."

His companions exchanged worried glances. Blush and Burns adjusted their hold on their CO2 packages as if to steady themselves while Sharp remained still. His expression, however, contorted ever so slightly to express his uneasiness. Freckles instinctively shuffle to stand close to the bespectacled red blood cell.

"We can just go and exchange our gas canisters on another station," stammered Blush.

"No. We can't do that." countered Sharp. "We have our orders. We must exchange our packages on the designated supply depot, or we'll cause a backlog."

This only made the five erythrocytes even more tensed.

"Don't worry, we'll escort you," U-1196 offered, gesturing to her kouhai leukocyte of her intent. "We are also heading that way."

"Then there's no time to lose," J-1178 added, unsheathing her katana blade. She then eyed the glasses-wearing erythrocyte. "Try to keep up, Rookie."

AA-2153 nodded. He exchanged one final look with his friends, who needed no further instructions.

"Alright, follow my lead."

They moved as one team with the two white blood cells leading the way, followed by the five red blood cells.

Klaxons blared from all ends of the pulmonary arterial corridor they were in. Likewise, the robotic voice talking in the PA system kept on repeating its warning of the impending virus invasion at Alveolus LC676.

Along their way, U-1196 noticed other groups of red blood cells making detours away from the affected Alveolus, crowding instead at the capillaries heading to the other adjacent Alveoli. The veteran neutrophil made a quick glance at the quiet erythrocyte named Sharp and realized how right he was to keep on their original delivery route.

The delivery of oxygen must not be hampered by any reason. This world cannot afford any system failing or operating inefficiently. With the numbers of her kind in the immune system abnormally low, they could not guarantee an all-encompassing patrol for the entire world.

She tapped in on her headset to listen on any other neutrophils responding to the alert but heard none. She made a side-glance at her kouhai leukocyte and realized they might be the only reinforcements to respond. Even with the reforms enacted by the Consciousness for the world, the soldiers of the immune system could not be afforded any rest.

From the pulmonary artery, they entered the capillary that led straight towards the lower section of Alveolus LC676. Unlike the enclosed passageway of the pulmonary artery, the capillary had a glass lining that let cells see the hollowed insides of the Alveolus.

The floor rumbled as a gust of air whooshed into the Alveolus' opening.

U-1196 stopped to peer into the window panes and saw to her horror numerous virus spores falling rapidly from the opening. Below, she saw frantic Pneumocyte cells, wearing hats with the Roman numerals 'II' etched on the front, trying to scramble away from the falling virus spores.

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