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Hey..I'm back here...sorry I couldn't write for a long time...I wasn't well plus this is my last year in highschool, so there's probably a lot to study. Anyways let's continue with the chapter


Here I am, sitting in the dining room along with Jimin, Anne and YoungJae. YoungJae didn't spare a glance either to me or Jimin. Whenever he talks, he talks to Anne.

"Sungmo, can you make my favourite dishes today?" YoungJae cheerfully asked Anne.

"Yeah Sure my boy!" She said as she smiled.

"How about your mom cooks today YoungJae?" Jimin interrupted "She really cooks delicious food you know...oh you already tasted her food remember at Suga Samchon's house? And you even complimented her."

YoungJae looked over at me with pure hatred in his eyes. "Her food tasted like trash Appa!"

With that said he left his chair and went to the couch to take his school bag before heading out straight. Anne noticed tears in my eyes. She kept her hand on mine in a comforting manner.

"It's going to be okay Y/N, don't worry he'll understand your reasons. He's just a little stubborn for now. And I completely understand why...we can't blame him either. But trust me I've known him over all these years, he's going to understand." She gave me a slight smile.

I nodded and looked at Jimin. "Jimin I-"

Just as I was about to tell him something my phone rang...I looked at the caller ID, it was Jin. I quickly picked it up.

"Yes Jin?"

"Y/N LISTEN CAREFULLY!" he screamed

"Wh-what is wrong with you?"

"He...Y/N...he...he is dying." He said

What is he talking about? "What are you trying to say? And who's dying?" I questioned

"Y/N... your...your father's dying.." he said


"Y/N...I just heard it this morning when I went for a walk with my dog. I heard from some people that he wants to meet you before dying."

"No way Jin! I'm not going to meet him. That beast! He deserves to die. He shouldn't die a normal death you know. I wish he would suffer before dying!" I said out of anger which I had all these years.

"Y/N calm down....don't hate me but I think you should-"


"Y/N what happened?" Jimin asked as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Listen Y/N.." Jin said from the other line "People say he has been telling the nurses he wants to tell you something. He has been saying it ever since he's on the bed. And I even heard that....he was about to get murdered if the nurse hadn't reached on time. I...I think Y/N you should check...don't go alone, I'll come with you and bring Jimin as well."

I thought about it for a while. Why would want to see me now. And why was he supposed to be murdered by someone. "I'll ask Jimin just hold on.." I turned to Jimin and explained him everything. Anne left to give us some privacy.

"Let's check Y/N...anyway he's going to die soon." Jimin said and I completely agreed to that.

I put the mobile back on my ear. "Jin?"


"We are coming there in the evening.."

Skip to evening:

We stepped on the entrance of the hospital. Jimin asked the receptionist where my father's room is. And soon enough after walking a bit we we're there. I let out a heavy breath before opening the door. I hated the fact that I have to see him again. But I have to for some reasons. I saw him in front of me laying on the bed, many wired attached to his body. He was staring at the ceiling with dried tears on his cheeks. Jimin fake coughed to gain his attention.

Father immediately turned his head towards us. His eyes widened when he saw us. For a minute I saw love in his eyes...the way he looked at us lovingky before. But I quickly turned away avoiding his eyes. I won't fall into those eyes.

"Y/N" he called out to me.

I crossed my arms on my chest "Why did you want to see me?" I questioned without looking at him.

"Y/N come here my child...please.." he stretched his arms.

"WHY DID YOU CALL ME HERE? DONT YOU UNDERSTAND I DONT WANT TO MEET YOU? you know what Jimin let's just go from here.." I grabbed Jimin's arm.

"Y/N wait...Child I never wanted to do that to you I was forced by her....."


Life about to turn.....

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