39 :: trying to move on

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it felt like nothing happened between the blue and black haired male as they stared at the ceiling laying next to each other with their shoulders touching.

"koo. we need to start our work." taehyung said, quite uninterested because he wanted this moment with jeon jungkook to last longer.

"hmm." jungkook could only hum in response as he obviously loved the warmth radiating from the other.

he was surprised when taehyung turned to face him and they were in a way that taehyung's face was just over jungkook's. they both smiled.

taehyung stared at the other's eyes.

so clear.

resembling the ocean.

taehyung doesn't know why, but he just wants to dive deeper into them.

was that allowed?

probably no. he can't.

"koo...." taehyung called and didn't think about anything else before pulling the other up and hugging him tightly.

jungkook closed his eyes wrapping his arms around the other's petite waist and could feel taehyung burying his face in the crook of his neck.

taehyung was breathing against jungkook's skin mumbling something that was inaudible for the raven head.

"you don't have to feel bad for me or even feel guilty. forget that i love you." jungkook whispered softly causing the other to pull away.

of course taehyung didn't hug the raven head just because he was guilty or something. no.

rather because he wanted to.

"moreover i am trying to move on too." jungkook informed that kinda bothered taehyung a little.

to be honest, a lot probably.

"moving on?" taehyung repeated and hung his head low before jungkook touched his chin with his thumb and pulled up to have an eye contact.

"it's better for both of us. no?" jungkook tugged on a small smile and taehyung subtly nodded humming as response, "yeah, it's good."

"you are coming to the school party for the silver jubilee next week?" jungkook asked and before taehyung could answer the raven head continued, "imma ask jimin if he wants to go with me or not."

"you are going with bogum." jungkook said, his voice laced with jealousy yet not that much for taehyung to understand.

"yeah i am going with bogum." taehyung repeated and jungkook was quite surprised cause taehyung never called bogum by his name. it was always 'gummie'.

but he didn't stretch the matter cause he doesn't like talking about bogum.

not even a tiny bit.

"let's start our group assignment."

taehyung sat at the cafeteria with bogum and friends but his eyes were on jeon jungkook at another table with hoseok and park jimin.

"so is jimin and jungkook dating?" taehyung out of the blue asked and bogum stopped joking with taegyo and looked at taehyung with a weird look in his eyes, "i honestly don't have any idea. jimin didn't tell me anything."

"oh. looks like they are." taehyung rested his chin on the cusp of his palm and sighed, still looking at jungkook.

"no offense dude but your brother's choice is wack. like i know that jeon guy is getting attention now after taehyung hung out with him but still he is not that worthy you..." taegyo was cut off by taehyung who slammed his hands on the table, "stop it!"

"he is way better than you asshole!"


sorry for not updating. i was confused about how to continue but now i have the whole plot arranged in my mind :)

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