Trips and Nightmares

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Also, Chan and Artemis' stories are posted but will not be published until the time is right, though the casting is. Enjoy!!!

Chloe's POV

Waking up to the sound of knocking on my door, I quickly check the clock and cringe when I see that it's already two in the afternoon. I guess yesterday took more of a toll than I thought. I raise out of bed, slowly wandering to the door before I throw it open lazily, shocked to find Alex there leaning against the frame. I instantly feel my entire body flush once I remember that I kicked my pants off last night, leaving me in briefs and a t-shirt.

"Good morning, pup." Alex says and I can't help the shiver that runs along my spine at the deep rumble of his voice. I inhale deeply the smell of storms and woods, the scent damn near bringing me to my knees with the power it holds. The way Alex smirks at me tells me he knows exactly the effect he has on me.

     "Hello, Alex." I answer, aiming for aloofness. The puzzled look in the quick quirks of his eyebrow tells me that I pulled it of. The expression is gone almost as soon as it makes an appearance, his face returning to the neutral amused expression so fast, I think I imagined it.

     "Won't you let me in?" He says teasingly and though there's nothing sexual about his expression, the words shoot straight to my dick. I shuffle quietly before stepping back to give him room to entire my apartment.

     "Yeah. What's up?" I ask as soon as the door is closed. I turn around expecting him to already be halfway in the room but instead, I find him right behind me, so close, the only thing I smell is a storm brewing deep in the woods.

     "I'm leaving today." He starts, and my heart starts throbbing instantly. This is it. "James has to go to a Passing On Ceremony and as his Beta I have to go too. We should be back by tomorrow night, just in time for me to take care of you the next day."

     I blush, stupidly feeling relief in his words. Get a fucking grip. "Okay. Have a safe trip!" I tell him, keeping my voice light and carefree but the perceptive wolf sees through it of course. He steps forward and catches my lips in a heart melting kiss, our first kiss. And goddamn if I'm not floored entirely. His lips are soft but firm, easily taking control from me as his tongue comes out to trace my bottom lip. But before I could grant him access he pulls back, planting a pretty kiss on my forehead before looking me straight in the eyes.

     "I'll miss you, too, Chloe. You have my number, an extra key is in my mailbox if you need anything. See you tomorrow night." With a wink and a lopsided smile, he's gone, the only evidence that he was here is the lingering scent of wood in a storm, and the tingling that's reliving the kiss on my lips.


I'm walking down the sidewalk, my legs like jelly from my last client. He was rough. A lot more rough than he paid for, but I'm fed, with money in my pocket so it's ok. It has to be okay.

I wait at the crosswalk, waiting for the cars to slow and stop before moving again. It's been a rough few years. After everything went down with my parents, I left, much earlier than most do, but that's ok. It has to be okay.

As I'm passing the lip of an alleyway, I smell earth and charcoal, an alarming smell, and it does nothing to quell my fear in what happens next.

I've almost made it past the dark alleyway when a hand flies out and tugs my body deep into the dark cold walkway. I open my mouth to scream but the second hand is there, before I can finish drawing in a breath.

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