News and Excitment

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Alex's POV

The drive home is filled with excited chatter, the two of us finally able to rejoice on the twins after knowing that they are safe and healthy.

"Oh they're going to be perfect!" Chloe gushes, running his stomach lovingly as he stares at the pictures in his hand, the two babies perfectly clear in the image.

"Who would have guessed. The Goddess blessed us today." I tell him, my smile damn near breaking my face. I pull into my driveway and suddenly get an evil idea. "Maybe we should fuck with them a little." I say, turning to Chloe with a smile and he looks up at me shaking his head once he sees the look in my face.

      "Why are you so mean?" He asks me trying to go for a scolding look but it's disrupted by a smile he can't quite keep hidden.

      'We're not mean, everyone else is just weak.' Tobias says surely only just coming down from his shocked state where he howled for twenty minutes in excitement, claiming his sperm is superior.

    I scoff taken aback at the words. "I am not mean. besides we deserve a little fun." I tell him, winking as I turn off the car. I see the blinds open for someone to look out and I give my best puppy dog eyes.

    He relents finally just as the door opens. "Fine, fine. Take the lead." He says and our features quickly lose their smile, sullen features there instead as we open our doors and head out of the car. Once Chloe meets me around the front of it, I wrap him up in two arms and he buries his head in my chest as we walk towards the front porch where Cody is holding the door open for us.

     "Oh, Goddess, what happened?" He whimpers but I ignore him, and I'll definitely have to take him and Cora shopping at some point. Neither of them are going to like us very much after this. We slip through Cody and everyone else that's waiting in the lobby and head straight to the living room.

     I sit on the couch to my left and allow Chloe to crawl up into my lap, our friends filing in behind us with worried and scared faces, gathering around us loosing but giving up plenty of breathing room. "Alex." James says softly, his arms wrapped tightly around his bean's shaking frame. "What happened?"

     I take a deep breath almost loosing character as I feel Chloe begin to laugh against my chest but I keep my features schooled. "So it turns out we're not having a healthy baby boy, after all." I start, voice burdened and sad and those around us gasp. Unable to take it anymore I laugh and grin making them jump. "Because we're having two! A boy and a girl!" I announce and the room goes crazy.

    Of course Cody and Cora come over to slap my body a couple times as they cry, their sadness turning to relief but the rest of the room is a chorus of joy and congratulations.

    A giggling Chloe is lifted off my lap and into the arms of Thomas where they spin around, while James walks up to me as I stand up, a firm hand clasping my shoulder.

     "Congrats, man. You're having twins!" He says and Graves and Ares come over as well to share  their praise and happiness at the news.

     Ares gets my attention and asks me seriously. "Did you cry?"

    I laugh and nod, the relief and news still making its way through me. "So fucking hard." I admit and the guys all tease me calling me soft with smiles on their faces and pride in their hearts.


Night has fallen and our group of friends has migrated from in the house to the large campfire area in my backyard. We all sit on the ground surrounding the flames as we lean against the logs, jabbing and mocking each other into the night, never wanting the good day to end.

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